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HHOA Meeting Minutes 8-19-2021

Honeymoon Heights Owners Association

Board of Governors Meeting

Minutes for August 19, 2021 Meeting

Board Members Present: Stuart Hazle, Lonny Day, Curt Becker, Eric Galle,

Kim Schueneman, Nancy Lundwall.

Pledge of Allegiance: recited by all present.

Guest Forum: Diana Jachim Proposes budget for board. Also questioned dredging of channel.

Ken Lunwell: concern about weeds.

Dave Johnson: Bee’s are bad in some parks.

Drain or stone around clubhouse.

Lakeshore and Pine, weeds blocking view of corner hard to see road.

Poison ivy on tennis court and Basketball Court.

Reading of last Meeting Minutes: 6-26-2021, minutes seconded and approved

Treasurer’s Report: Ending July 30th. Read and accepted:

Balance $30,365.58

Deposit $1,124.00

Debit $114.73

New Balance $29028.15

Old Business:

1. Collection Agency, Eric is still working on.

2. Lots 549 & 550 structure violation of Assoc. Rules.

Stuart has talked to Dave Kelsey.

3. Dredging of Channel: Is all done for a couple of years.

4. Assoc. Violation, Lot 613, 1 Trailer. Dave Kelsey has cited owners.

Cato township is handling matter.

5 Fishing and stocking lake. Not until next year.

6. Park M, N Stone Seawall, Stuart Hazle, Still in progress.

7. Financial Computer program for treasurer. Still in the works.

8. Trash Day. Set for October 2nd. From 8a.m. to noon. Kim motioned

Nancy seconded, motion carried.

9. Contractor to fix steps Park B: Lonny got a bid of $1,700.00 to power wash and make repairs, and clean and stain 3 pavilions at 3 of HHOA parks.

Eric motioned and Kim seconded To approve up to $2,000.00 motioned passed.

10. Park A RipRap, extra 5 yards. $35.00 a yard + $94.00 Trucking. Nancy motioned, Eric seconded. Motion passes.

11. Cleaning of Clubhouse, Dave Johnson. Dave will get a bid for pea stone around clubhouse.

Committee Reports:

Parks: Lonny Day, Lonnie spent $188.66 on swings. Kim motioned to reimburse, Curt seconded.

Motion carried.

Nancy motioned, Kim seconded to repair 4 picnic tables @ $250 each. Motion carried.

Roads: Kim Schueneman, still ongoing. County is filling some holes.

Light: Curt Becker. All working.

Dock Permits: Stuart Hazle, 2 boats on B1 do not have permits.

Blight: Nancy Lundwell, Has spoke to Dave Kelsey. Turned in 4 properties. 1 on Schmeid and 4 on Cherry.

New Business:

A. Sand Boxes at some parks. After some discussion it was tabled till annual meeting in 2022.

Meeting Adjourned: Nancy motioned to adjourned motion passed


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