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Info for Realtors

Realtors, please make sure that all prospective buyers of properties within Honeymoon Heights are aware that there are By-Laws that all association members should follow. Those By-Laws are available on this website. Please make this web address known to any prospective purchaser.
ALL properties in the sub-division known as “Honeymoon Heights” are included in the Association known as “Honeymoon Heights Owners Association”.  Each Lot is assessed an annual assessment/dues, currently $25 per lot per year.  This information should be made known to any prospective purchaser.
Before a purchase transaction can be completed, all unpaid assessment/dues must be brought up to date.
You may clarify the status of any property by contacting the Honeymoon Heights Owners Association (HHOA) Treasurer from the HHOA web site “” and clicking on the Contacts on the main menu.  The Treasurer requests that you identify the property by Lot # in your inquiry.
We trust that you feel the responsibility to your customer to make certain that all Assessments are paid to the current year.
When your transaction has been completed, we ask that you notify the Treasurer of the new owner’s name, mailing address, and Lot #’s so our records will be current and we can welcome the new member to the Association.
We Thank You for your cooperation in this matter!
The Board of Governors
Honeymoon Heights Owners Association
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