In the late 1950’s, a group of individuals formed a company known as the Townline Land Company. Their endeavor was to develop a subdivision on the North Shores of Townline Lake. This subdivision was named Honeymoon Heights. The subdivision consists of 801 building lots, 9 lakefront parks, and 16 back-lot parks. Lakeshore Drive, Channel Drive, and Honeymoon Drive follow the lake shore. The roads leading into the subdivision are Caroline from the east, Schmeid from the west, and Elm, Cherry, Birch and Hickory from the north.
The Townline Land Company did all the plat planning, constructed approximately seven miles of roads, developed the parks, established the building restrictions, and created the Honeymoon Heights Owners Association. Sale of the lots was a function of the Townline Land Company.
In the early 1960’s, the Townline Land Company dissolved, giving the Honeymoon Heights Owners Association all rights and responsibilities for future operations and development of the subdivision.
Your Honeymoon Heights Owners Association is headed by six (6) elected lot owners for three-year terms. These six elected lot owners are known as the Board of Governors. The Board of Governors are responsible for overseeing the orderly growth of the subdivision, maintenance, and beautification of parks, issuing of building permits, and encouraging lot owners to maintain and beautify their properties.
Each lot is assessed an association fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per lot per year and is subject to change as required. This fee is the lot owner’s contribution to the maintenance and beautification of our parks and the continuing development of the subdivision.
We pride ourselves in that we have encouraged individuals from all walks of life to come and invest in and enjoy our community.
The lake is 247 acres in size. Swimming, waterskiing, boating, and fishing are some of the common activities. Swan, Blue Crane, Ducks, and Canada Geese are frequent visitors.
This letter of introduction, along with the following subdivision plat map, the Townline Lake map, and the subdivision restrictions, is our way of welcoming all new property owners as members to the Honeymoon Heights Owners Association.