Newsletter March 30, 2023
Summer Lake Life for 2023 is coming!
We hope you had a good Winter and we look forward to seeing you this summer around the Lake.
We want to remind you that the due date for your payment of dues April 30th. This money will go to keeping the clubhouse open (paying electric, paying the Treasurer, paying our fee to be an association, etc.), keep the parks in the subdivision looking beautiful and useable, and keep the taxes paid on each of the honeymoon heights lots that were recently audited by the State. With these expenses and dues set at only $25.00 per lot, the money will be almost all used for the above mentioned.
The volunteer board members are doing their best to attend Cato Township, Montcalm County, Montcalm Road Commission, Townline Lake Association, Drain Commission, etc.... to keep an awareness that there is a Subdivision that has needs and interest.
honeymoon heights lots that were recently audited by the State. With these expenses and dues set at only $25.00 per lot, the money will be almost all used for the above mentioned.
The volunteer board members are doing their best to attend Cato Township, Montcalm County, Montcalm Road Commission, Townline Lake Association, Drain Commission, etc.... to keep an awareness that there is a Subdivision that has needs and interest.
HHOA Upcoming 2023 Meetings
Honeymoon Heights Owners Association
Board of Governors Meetings for 2023:
April 20, 2022, Thursday, 7 pm
May 18, 2022, Thursday, 7 pm
June 24, 2022, Annual Meeting 10 am (note this is a Saturday)
August 17, 2022, Thursday, 7 pm
September 21, 2022, Thursday, 7 pm
October 19, 2022, Thursday, 7 pm
Docks Installed at Parks
Docks will be installed on April 22nd. If you wish to help, meet at Park C (East end of HHOA) at 10 am. Perry Martin will be heading this project up. Bring tools, waders, and expect it to take about 2 hours. Dock usage applications will be in the mailboxes around honeymoon heights as well as the HHOA meeting on April 20. Turn them in to Kurt Becker to obtain your sticker or Perry Martin. Requests can be mailed as well with your application, a returned stamped envelope, to Board Mr. Stuart Hazle, 1795 W. Centerline Rd., St. Johns, MI 48879. Note: You need to have your dues paid before you can receive a dock permit.
HHOA Park Swing Sets
Your dues last year paid for the much needed painting of park swing sets. Please take the time to check them out and use the swings, kids, grandkids and guests.
Honeymoon Heights Dues
Honeymoon Heights collects dues annually, dues are $25 per year, per lot. Other Lake Owner Associations pay annual dues of $200 to $1,500 per lot. We feel pretty blessed.
Unpaid dues will be turned over to a collection agency. Lot owners that owe dues are finding out that they can't sell their houses until the dues are paid.
“Pay your dues and follow the rules"
e Rules”
Brief History of HHOA
In the late 50’s the Townline Land Company was formed to develop the subdivision you are a part of. The subdivision was named “Honeymoon Heights.” They constructed 7 miles of roads, developed the parks, established building restrictions, and created the HHOA Owners Association. In the late 60’s the Land Company dissolved giving all rights and responsibilities over to the HHOA Association. Dues were established to contribute to the maintenance and beautification of the parks and to continue development of the subdivision. You can find all the rules at
Limited Camping Rights
We often have people ask if they can “camp” on their empty lot or even on the lot they own with a house. The By-Laws state:
To facilitate the clearing and cleaning of subdivision lots, one recreational trailer, motor home, or camper may be placed on any lot for a period of time not to exceed 14 consecutive days in any one calendar year, without issuance of a “Temporary Residence” permit. Pit toilets are prohibited.
Storing of Recreational Vehicles
We have been asked about storage of vehicles. The By-Laws state:
Recreational vehicles such as boats, ORV’s, snowmobiles, travel trailers, and motor homes shall not be stored outdoors in excess of 20 consecutive days on a residentially zoned lot without displaying current valid State registration. Such vehicles shall be stored in a neat, orderly, and safe fashion.
Maximum Number of Buildings on a single lot
The By-Laws state the maximum number of buildings erected on any single lot in HHOA shall be limited to three – one single family residence, one garage, and one utility building for the sole use of the owner or owner’s designated occupant.
Election of HHOA Officers
The election of officers will take place at the Annual Meeting in June. The Board of Governors is authorized to act for and on behalf of the Association.
The nomination and election of new officers to serve on the Board of Governors shall take place once each year at the annual meeting of the Association membership. Two (2) new members shall be elected each year to serve a term of three (3) years on the Board of Governors. Terms shall commence on the date they are elected and shall be empowered to serve until their successors have been elected and installed.
We currently as of June will have 2 openings. If you are interest on serving on the Board, email Note: All positions are voluntary and unpaid excluding the treasurer.
Where can I get questions answered?
You can go to the web site at and find some information there. You can also contact Board members at
Pole Barn Restrictions
The By-Laws state that you must have an existing dwelling that meets or exceeds all subdivision requirements or a valid building permit from Cato Township, and all required Montcalm County permits for a permanent residence. Permits issued only to those who own a minimum of two lots.
Let’s have some fun and do some summer cooking
Grilled Chicken Marinade
¼ cup Red Wine Vinegar
¼ cup Soy Sauce
¼ cup Olive Oil
1 ½ tsps. Dried Parsley Flakes
½ tsp Dried basil
½ tsp Dried oregano
¼ tsp Garlic powder
¼ tsp Black pepper
Where can I go for a long bike ride?
The Fred Meijer Heartland Trail is located in lovely, rural Montcalm and Gratiot Counties, in the heart of central Michigan. The trail winds its way north through farmland and wooded State Game areas, taking the traveler through the picturesque towns of Greenville, Sidney, Stanton, McBride, and Edmore. At Edmore, the trail turns east and leads through Cedar Lake and Vestaburg, entering Gratiot County where the trail goes through Riverdale, Elwell and ends in downtown Alma. Along its length, it crosses several creeks and one river. Of particular interest, south of Stanton, is the 120-year-old historic bridge that spans Fish Creek. You can park and hop on your bike in Edmore.