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Honeymoon Heights Zoning Restrictions

(Revised Edition 2019)

 1.     Maximum number of buildings erected on any single lot in Honeymoon Heights shall be limited to three – one single family residence, one garage, and one utility building for the sole use of the owner or owner’s designated occupant.

2.     Garage and utility building permits [will be] issued only to those who have an existing dwelling that meets or exceeds all subdivision requirements of, Cato Township [,or Belvidere Township,] and all required Montcalm County permits for a permanent residence.

3.     Utility buildings over 100 square feet in size require a building permit; all utility buildings, regardless of size, shall be erected on:  1) a concrete slab or, )2 a foundation and floor of pressure treated wood. Maximum size not to exceed 144 square feet.

4.     All commercial and/or manufacturing activities shall be confined to those lots zoned exclusively for commercial use.

5.     All residential buildings shall have a minimum ground floor living area of 750 square feet. Porches, basements, garages or decks do not qualify as living area. Basements are hereby defined as those wood or block structures that are partially below ground level or back filled in excess of 4 feet on all four sides and/or constructed with a flat roof.

6.     All dwellings shall have a minimum wall length or width of 24 feet (front, back, and side walls). This dimension does not include decks, porches, garages, or add-ons.


7.     All new construction on a single lot shall have a minimum set-back of 25 feet from the front line, 

minimum of 5 feet clearance from the back and side lot lines. Building sites containing more than one lot requires side and back lot line clearance of at least 10 feet.

        Lakefront lots:  Front set-back requirements on lakefront lots is defined as 25 feet from the roadside lot line whether the structure faces the lake or not.

8.     Porches, decks or new additions to existing buildings shall conform to the above stated lot line set-backs.

9.     All buildings shall be constructed of brick, block, wood, or aluminum materials. Siding shall be any material that is fabricated for and readily accepted as a residential exterior siding.


10.     All residence and garage roofs shall have a minimum of 3/12 pitch. Roofing shall be any material that is fabricated for and is readily accepted as residential roofing; manufactured pre-painted metal is accepted. (sheet metal, fiberglass panels, or roll type roofing are not permitted).

11.     Building foundations shall conform to Montcalm County building codes. (Exception – see restriction #15).

12.     Septic systems shall conform to Mid-Michigan Health Department standards.

13.     Water wells shall conform to Mid-Michigan Health Department standards.

14.     All household pets shall be confined to the owner’s property by fencing, leashing, or contained in       such a way that they do not create a nuisance for their neighbors.

          (a)  Household pet is hereby defined as an animal or bird that is commonly accepted as an in-home                    creature.

          (b)  Nuisance is hereby defined as barking, biting, running loose, animal droppings, or offensive                          odor.

          (c)  Number of household pets maintained at any one residence shall not exceed three permanent                    pets.

15.     All manufactured homes shall conform to the above restrictions and be placed on a full mortared block or poured wall foundation (metal, wood, or other skirting material are not permitted).

16.     No residence shall be occupied until the exterior has been completed and the septic system and water well have been installed, inspected, approved, and are fully functional.

NOTE:  All of the above restrictions shall be binding upon all lot owners in Honeymoon  Heights, their heirs, and assigns.

NOTE:  Variance request[s] due to mitigating circumstances will be considered by the Honeymoon Heights Board of Governors. Approval or denial of a variance request is the sole responsibility of the board and will be decided on the merits of each request.

The Board of Governors reserves the right to cause an inspection of any structure within the subdivision that appears to be in a state of decay or a structure not in compliance with all existing building codes. Such inspections shall be made by proper authorities.





(Revised Edition 2014)

1.    Pole barn permits issued only to those who have: 

(a)  An existing dwelling that meets or exceeds all subdivision requirements or a valid building permit from, Cato Township, [or Belvidere Township,] and all required Montcalm County permits for a permanent residence.

(b)  Permits issued only to those who own a minimum of two lots.


2.  Maximum size not to exceed 30 feet by 40 feet on any single lot.


3.  Building shall have a concrete floor with a 4” minimum thickness.


4.  Roofs shall have a minimum of 3/12 pitch.


5.  Roofs shall be constructed of manufactured pole-barn trusses and be placed on a maximum of 24” centers.


6.  Roofing shall be any material that is fabricated for, and is readily accepted as residential roofing, and will include factory pre-painted metal (sheet metal, fiberglass panels, or roll-type roofing are not permitted).


7.  Siding shall be any material that is fabricated for and is readily accepted as a pole barn siding. All metal siding shall have a manufacturer’s colored finish.


8.  Eaves shall extend a minimum of 12” from the back, front and side walls.


9.  Maximum side wall height not to exceed 10 feet.


10.  Minimum set-back from front lot line shall be 25 feet.


11.  Building shall not be used for commercial or manufacturing purposes of any kind except on commercially zoned lots.


NOTE:  All of the above restrictions shall be binding upon all lot owners in Honeymoon Heights, their heirs, and assigns.

NOTE:  Variance request[s] due to mitigating circumstances will be considered by the Honeymoon Heights Board of Governors. Approval or denial of a variance request is the sole responsibility of the Board and will be decided on the merits of each request.



STEP ONE:  Have your property perk tested by the Mid-Michigan Health Department located in Stanton, MI.


STEP TWO:  Contact any member of the Honeymoon Heights Board of Governors for details and assistance.


STEP THREE:  Obtain a Cato or Belvidere Township zoning permit. Lots numbered 35 through 49 are located in Belvidere Township. These permits are issued in Six Lakes. All other lots are located in Cato Township and these permits are issued in Lakeview.


STEP FOUR:  Obtain all Montcalm County permits in Stanton. Contact the Building Department located in the County Courthouse for details. 



Failure to obtain any of the above listed building and zoning permits will be considered as a violation of the entire building and zoning process. Such violations will be brought to the attention of the proper authorities for immediate disposition.






One recreational trailer, motor home, or other self-contained camper may be placed on any lot for a period of 90 days providing a “Temporary Residence” permit has been applied for and issued by the Honeymoon Heights Owners Association.


The following Conditions are required:


     (a)  Lot shall be cleared and all four corners clearly staked out.


     (b)  Owner has applied for and been issued a “Building Permit” for a permanent residence.


     (c) The unit being used as a temporary residence must be properly and currently State registered. 

     (d)  Removing wheels or placing skirting in or around the bottom or making additions to the temporary residence is prohibited.


     (e)  The “Temporary Residence” permit may be renewed providing construction is underway and progress is obvious. 



To facilitate the clearing and cleaning of subdivision lots, one recreational trailer, motor home, or camper may be placed on any lot for a period of time not to exceed 14 consecutive days in any one calendar year, without issuance of a “Temporary Residence” permit. Pit toilets are prohibited.



Failure to comply with the aforementioned restrictions will be considered as the establishment of a camp site. This is a residentially zoned community, not a campground. Non-compliance will necessitate the voiding of all permits, cancel the “Limited Camping Rights,” and require the immediate removal of such unit(s).



(Revised Edition 2019)

1.  Semi-tractor trailers and/or tankers shall not be placed or parked overnight on or adjacent to any residentially zoned lot within the subdivision.


2.  Industrial or excavating equipment shall not be placed or parked overnight on any residentially zoned lot within the subdivision except such equipment that is in the process of preparing a building site.


3.  Dismantled, unregistered, or inoperative motor vehicles other than those wholly enclosed in a structure shall not be stored, placed, or permitted to be stored or placed, or allowed to remain on a residentially zoned lot for a period of more than 10 days in any one year.


4.  Recreational vehicles such as boats, ORV’s, snowmobiles, travel trailers, and motor homes shall not be stored outdoors in excess of 20 consecutive days on a residentially zoned lot without displaying current valid State registration. Such vehicles shall be stored in a neat, orderly, and safe fashion.


5.  Junk, trash, or rubbish shall not be stored, placed, or permitted to be stored or placed, or allowed to remain on any residentially zoned lot within the subdivision.


     (a)  Junk, trash, or rubbish is hereby defined as stoves, refrigerators, or other appliances, any material that is in a state of decay, mattresses, rags, and/or any other cast off material. 


     (b)  All replaced or discarded building materials and/or refuse from wind or fire damaged buildings shall be removed from the premises within sixty (60) days after such disaster or replacement occurred.


     (c)  Domestic rubbish properly stored and awaiting routine pickup shall not be defined as the accumulation of junk, trash, or rubbish providing such time does not exceed fifteen (15) days.

     (d)  Firewood properly cut, stacked, and retained as a heating fuel shall not be defined as the accumulation of junk, trash, or rubbish.





Enforcement of all Honeymoon Heights subdivision restrictions and/or ordinances are the sole responsibility of the Honeymoon Heights Owners Association and its duly elected officers; hence-fourth referred to as the Board of Governors. Violations shall be acted upon in accordance with the following procedure.

1.     The Board of Governors has received a complaint in writing from an interested party or an agent of the plotted subdivision.

2.     Complaints shall be reviewed by the Board of Governors within ten (10) days of receiving such complaint. It shall be the Board of Governor’s responsibility to determine if, in fact, a violation exists.

3.  Owner and/or occupant of the property for which a complaint has been filed has ten (10) days after receiving notice of such complaint to comply or request an appeals hearing with the Board of Governors.

4.  Complaints shall be handled with a series of two letters sent by registered mail to the person or persons that are in violation. In the event said person or persons continue to violate, neglects, or refuses to comply, the Board of Governors shall instruct the Board President to take appropriate action on behalf of Honeymoon Heights.

NOTE:  Honeymoon Heights Subdivision restrictions and/or ordinances pertaining to Honeymoon Heights, Honeymoon Heights No. 2, Honeymoon Heights No. 3, and Honeymoon Heights No. 4, herein collectively called the "Subdivision," containing eight hundred one (801) lots, the respective plats thereof recorded in Liber 7 of Plats, page 39; Liber 8 of Plats, pages 12 and 13; Liber 8 of Plats, pages 19 and 20; and Liber 8 of Plats, page 28, as recorded at the Montcalm County Courthouse, Stanton, Michigan.
Subsequent Revisions:
July 9, 1961
July 8, 1962
July 10, 1983
July 26, 1991

August 5, 2014

February 17, 2019

February 20, 2020, 5.4a, Dock Permits

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