Special Meeting
Honeymoon Heights Owners Association
Board of Governors
Minutes from December 8th, 2024 Zoom Meeting
Board Members Present: Kelley Hammis, Ben Gonzalez, Curt Becker
New Business:
1) Discussion of Cato Township Lake Residential District Proposal.
2) New Association Treasurer,
Susan Zwingman is stepping down from her position as treasurer.
Motion by Ben to name Judy Hazle as treasurer, seconded by Kelley,
Motion passes.
Susan will remain on board, as a member at large.
3) Curt Becker, Ben Gonzalez & Judy Hazle will be the three board members
who will be on checking account to sign checks for the association.
4) Susan Zwingman is to be removed from all HHOA Mercantile banking
Accounts, Judy Hazle is to be made banking account administrator.
Meeting Adjourned.
Recorded by:
Curt Becker
HHOA President