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HHOA Meeting Minutes 9-18-2024

Honeymoon Height Owners Association

Minutes For September 18, 2024

Board Members Present: Curt Becker, Ben Gonzales (Jamee Gonzales; stand in), Kelley Hammis, Susan Zwingman

Absent: Judy Hazle, Bonnie Weber Visser Pledge of Allegiance

Guest Forum:-

Rascal brought up that he sought out an attorney and wishes to advise the board that Ben Gonzales is not on the deed of his property. Rascal reported that in the opinion of his attorney (who was not named) who, in his interpretation of the HHOA bylaws, told Rascal that Ben should not be allowed on the board because he is not listed on the deed. Ben’s wife Jamee cited that they are married and therefore by Michigan law her husband would be considered a legal owner. There were several members present that disagreed with Rascal but ultimately the decision was made that Jamee Gonzales would sit on the board in place of her husband for the remainder of the meeting and remain on the board until a quit claim deed is completed that officially places her husband on the deed. The group agreed that this arrangement would be acceptable for the remainder of the meeting and the meeting continued with Jamee Gonzales sitting in as temporary Vice President.

Reading of the minutes: August 15, 2024 minutes were read and approved.

Treasurer’s report:

Beginning Balance of as of 8/13/24 $13,514.51

Deposits $0

Debits total $ 4,738.63

Credits $ 698.00

Ending balance $ 9,473.88

Report was read and accepted.

Old Business:

1. Update on Collection Agency for HHOA Dues: Susan reports that due to problems with our quickbooks, she has not been able to start working on it. She reports that by word of mouth, she did receive one payment of $700 today.

2. Remove old Dock from Park B: Ben reports that he will take care of it this weekend; pending weather.

3. Trailer on Cherry Street: Lots 434 and 435. Decision was made that HHOA will mail the owner a certified letter to his home to notify him that he must move his camper from the property. This will also be reported to Cato Township.

Committee Reports:

Roads: Bonnie Visser; not present

Lights: Judy Hazle; not present

Blight: Kelley Hammis; several properties in violation have been turned over to Cato Township.

Website: Curt Becker.

Curt got in touch with Stuart Hazle and is now able to log in to the website to update. Current minutes and agenda is now posted.

New Business:

1. Camper and side by side on Juniper Street; questions arose as to whether or not the owner of the property is aware of the association bylaws. Owner will be contacted and notified. No action will be taken as it is the end of the season. Curt suggested including information about the bylaws and website in our welcome packets. Ben suggested sending letters to realtors. Nancy suggested that we notify the title companies. Kim reported that the owner will be present at dock removal day. It was agreed to speak with the owner at that time.

2. Park M hill being torn up from golf cart: Concerns for erosion of the hill were expressed. It was suggested that no motorized vehicles be allowed on the property. Marsha Gregory suggested planting some plants and/or grass to also help prevent further erosion. Kim Johnson expressed concerns that there would be no good way to water the grass if planted. The issue of grass was tabled until next spring. For now, it was suggested that we start with putting up a chain/cable with a padlock between the posts at the park to prevent motorized vehicles from driving into the park.

Kelley H. made a motion to put up a chain/cable with padlock between the posts at park M to prevent vehicles from driving into the park. Kim Johnson seconded and the motion was passed.

3. Remove Docks from Parks October 12: Docks will be removed. Information was provided that members participating will meet at Park C at 9am that day.

4. Tennis courts on Cherry St: questions arose as to the usage at Park S tennis courts. Amanda Evanzo reports that kids are utilizing the courts to play basketball on a regular basis. Curt questioned creating a pickle ball court there as well. Amanda reported that there is room to create the pickle ball court. She is also knowledgeable about how to measure and paint the correct lines and volunteered to paint the lines and purchase a net for the court.

Marsha Gregory motions for Amanda Enzo to purchase a pickle ball net up to $400 and paint the pickle ball court lines in Park S. Ben G seconded the motion.

5. Curt Becker requested $20.00 reimbursement for our annual non profit fee from the State of Michigan.

Kelley Hammis made a motion to reimburse Curt $20.00 for this and Jamie G. seconded and the motion was passed.

6. Kim Johnson asked if we want Dave Johnson to do the fall and spring clean up of the HHOAparks. She proposed paying $30/hour and a rate of $25/hour for a helper with a $2500 cap total for the fall 2024/spring 2025 clean up.

Kelley Hammis made a motion to accept and Jamee Gonzales seconded and the motion was passed.

Kim Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Susie Z. seconded. Meeting was adjourned.


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