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HHOA Meeting Minutes 9-15-2022

Honeymoon Heights Owners Association.

Board of Governors Meeting.

Minutes for September 15, 2022 Meeting.

Board Members present: Stuart Hazle, Nancy Lundwell, Curt Becker.

Absent: Kim Schueneman, Beau Couillard, Suzie Zwingman.

Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present.

Reading of Minutes from August 18, 2022 Meeting was read and approved.

Nancy motions to correct minutes opening bank balance to be $18,028.86 and not $18,026.86 as read in minutes.

Treasurer’s Report, Ending September 11, 2022:

Beginning Balance, $18,028.86

Debits: $1,122.24

Credits: $300.00

Ending Balance $17,206.62

Pay Dave Johnson $3,500.00 for 2nd half of mowing fees.

Reimburse Suzie Zwingman for Bookkeeping hours. $300.00

Old Business:

1. Collection Agency: Working on names of companies.

2. Lots 549 & 550 Structure Violation of Assoc. Rules:

Nothing new to report at this time.

3. Assoc. Violation, Lot 613. 1 trailor. Cato Township.

Still a work in progress.

4. Trash Day, September 24th. 8:00 am to Noon. Volunteers needed to watch.

Diana Jachim volunteers.

5. Property Taxes HHOA: Deb Rashid from Cato Township says that she will get back with Jourdan on this matter.

Committee Reports:

Parks: Beau Couillard.

A. Swing Sets are all painted.

B. Park B grass seed: Nothing new to report.

C. Telephone Poles: Nothing new to report.

D. Moving posts in Parks C & N:

Was not able to find survey markers.

Curt is stating that Kiosk in Park N is in need of repair.

Roads: Kim Schueneman. Absent.

Lights: Curt Becker. All lights are working at this time.

Dock Permits: Stuart hazle. Nothing new at this time.

Blight: Nancy Lundwell. Work in progress.

Website: Sturt Hazle. Is working well at this time.

New Business:

1. Dock Removal. Docks will be removed on October 15th.

2. Corporation Registration: Stuart motions to use corporation credit card to pay registration fee.

Nancy seconds, motion passed.

3. Domain for HHOA Internet Website:

Stuart motions to pay $41.98 for .Org renewal for 2 years, and $19.98 for Extra Privacy Protection for 2 years. Nancy seconds, motion passed.

Nancy is trying to get the date for the fall meeting of Townline Lake Improvement Board.

Lot #417 was not approved by cato Township to build a Pole Barn.

Stuart motions to adjourn meeting, Curt second. Meeting Adjourned.


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