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HHOA Meeting Minutes 8-16-2018

HHOA Meeting Minutes 8-16-2018

Honeymoon Heights Owners Association

Minutes from August 16th meeting

-Eric Galle voiced concerns about a dock being installed at park C1. He also stated concern about this person using a motorized vehicle to get down to get down to said dock. Rascal said he had talked to the guy and dock was to be removed but nothing had happened yet. It was purposed to add verbiage to bylaws

Motion made to Bylaws: "Only HHOA board sanctioned docks and no other structures unless approved by the HHOA board can be installed at association parks.

Stuart motioned, Lonny second, and all approved.

-It was then proposed to restrict some parks to swim only parks (no docks, no boats, no overnight boat parking).

This was decided to be tabled until next meeting, to allow the board to have a chance to examine the parks.

-Motion made to send Roy Cole a letter asking him to remove his dock from park C1 within two weeks. Stuart motioned, Bill second, and all approved.

Minutes were read from previous meeting.

Lonny motioned to accept minutes, Stuart second, and all approved.

-Treasurer report was read by Ed.

Todd motioned to approve, Lonny seconded, and all approved.

-Rascal read old business. Rascal wants bi-laws to be rewritten and hung on doors. Discussion about just letting everyone know that there are new bi-laws. Suggested mailing postcards, letting everyone know where to get bi-laws. Would like to get Al Williams to help revise bi-laws.

-Rascal will be contacting a guy about the sign for the tennis court.

-Stuart put the audit of HHOA on website.

-An application has been sent in to remove the tree roots at Park A to the State of Michigan Dept. of Enviromental Quality.

-Todd is doing checks of the parks. He will be checking the mowing.

-Stuart stated 7 pot holes need fixing on Association roads. The roads are Montcalm County responsibility. Honeymoon Heights needs to pay half of the repairs and it is felt that we should not have to. Mark Christensen of the Montcalm County Road Commission approves road repairs.

-Stuart talked about moving docks. It was decided to wait until next Spring to install all. It will cost $11,000.00 to purchase 7 sections of docks.

Stuart made motion to buy the sections. Ed seconds the motion and all approve.

-It was decided to discuss getting bids for gazebos roof repair at some of the parks at the next meeting.

-Committee will need to decide on President Status because Rascal is stepping down, he will stay on the Board till a replacement is found, but is willing to still help out.

In an email meeting it was decided to only buy 3 sections of Boat docks at this time instead of the 7 sections in an earlier motion. We will put these 3 sections of dock at Park N, and the current dock at Park N moved to Park B-1. If finances hold up we will purchase 4 more dock sections to install at other Parks in the Association at a later date.

Lonny Day, Secretar


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