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HHOA Meeting Minutes 10-21-2021

Updated: Jun 8, 2022

Honeymoon Heights Owners Association.

Board of Governors Meeting

Minutes for October 21, 2021 Meeting

Board Members Present: Stuart Hazle, Nancy Lundwell, Kim Schueneman, Curt Becker.

Absent: Eric Galle, Lonnie Day.

Pledge of Allegiance recited by all present.

Reading of last meeting minutes: 9-16-2021, minutes seconded and approves.

Treasurers Report: Eric was absent. Report sent to Stuart Hazle


Balance $27,655.02

Deposits $0

Debits $34.12

Card purchase $26.50

Checked cashed $1728.26

New Balance $25,866.14

Old Business:

1. Collection Agency, Eric was absent.

2. Lots 549 & 550 structure violation of association rules. Address was found for lot owners, now we need address of people getting mail there.

3. Assoc. Violation, lot 613. 1 trailer, Cato Township is working on this.

4. Park M, N. Stone Seawall’s are done, Kim Schueneman, Rascal Calcut, Ed Koutz, and Stuart Hazle helped with this project. Will need of black dirt, maybe have Lonny Day give an estimate.

5. Financial computer program update for Treasurer. Will be ready to write invoices in January.

6. Trash Day, October 2, 2021. Went well with dumpsters being full. Will stay with June and October for 2022 also.

7. DNR Walleye planting: 971 Walleye were planted in lake on October 5th. With an average length of 5.8 inches.

8. Quote for eavestrough’s for clubhouse. Quote of $918.00 for all 4 sides of clubhouse, for Eavestrough’s and Downspout’s was submitted by Delamater Custom Gutter’s. Nancy motioned to approve $918.00, seconded by Curt. Motion passed.

9. Dock Removal, all dock’s are out of lake.

Committee Report’s:

Parks: Lonny Day was absent. Quote of $250.00 to repair landing on Park B. Tabled until spring meeting.

Roads: Kim Schueneman, will talk to township in spring about certain roads.

Lights: Curt Becker. All are working.

Dock Permits: Stuart Hazle.

Blight: Nancy Lundwell, is working on it.

Website: Stuart Hazle, Website is working well.

Welcoming Committee: Nancy Lundwell & Diana Jachim. Nothing new.

New Business:

A. Dock Installation is set for April 16th 2022.

B. Dave Johnson will be paid $25.00 an hour for fall cleanup.

C. 2022 Meeting dates,

April 21st

May 19th

June 25th

August 18th

September 15th

October 20th

Meeting Adjourned.


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