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HHOA Board Meeting Minutes 5-19-2022

Honeymoon Heights Owners Association

Board of Governor’s Meeting

Minutes for May 19, 2022 Meeting

Board Members Present: Nancy Lundwell, Eric Galle, Curt Becker, Kim Schueneman, Beau Couillard.

Absent: Stuart Hazle.

Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present.

Guest Forum: Ken Lundwall stated that Park C, and the property to the south washes out when it rains.

Stop sign missing on corner of Carolyn & Elm.

Reading of Minutes from April 21, 2022 meeting. Eric motioned to accept minutes,Curt seconded,

motioned carried.

Treasurer’s Report, Ending April 20, 2022:

Beginning Balance. $28,353.27

Deposits of $2,700.00

Debits of $9,871.12

Balance May 16, 2022: $20,557.15

Eric motions to accept treasurer’s report, Curt seconded, motion passes.

A correction to the April 21, 2022 meeting minutes will be needed, as the statement balance is

$28,353.27 and not $29,328.27 as previously recorded.

The bank statements are difficult to read, and there has been a learning curve for the new bookkeeper.

Currently the new bookkeeper will be using the old version of Quick books for reporting, and every

transaction will need an Invoice or receipt.

We were charged property taxes on 5 lot’s. Tax bill was sent to wrong address.

Curt motions to pay Trumpet’s & Dove $100.00 per year to get HHOA caught up and current with IRS,

Also $300.00 for full financial review, and mini audit. Kim seconded, motion carries.

Old Business:

1: Collection Agency: Postpone for now.

2: Lots 549 & 550, structure violation of association rules.

a. Need to get mailing address. Still being worked on

3: Assoc. Violation, Lot 613, 1 trailer. Cato Township. Still a work in progress.

4: Financial computer program update for treasurer. Working on updating.

5: Trash day. June 11, 2022. 8:00 a.m. to Noon. Curt motions for up to $100.00 for signs for trash day,

Eric seconds, motion passed.

6: Survey on Parks: nothing yet.

7: Garage Sale, Eric motions to cancel, Beau seconded, motion passed.

8: 4th of July Parade. Tabled until June meeting.

Committee Reports:

Parks: Beau will call Gordy about landing at bottom of Park B.

Post to block cars at Park M.

Black dirt Parks M & N.

Handicap Parking Park M & C.

Roads: Kim Scheuneman, nothing new to report.

Light’s: Eric Galle, all are working.

Dock Permits: Stuart absent.

Blight: Nancy Lundwall, is still being worked on.

Website: Stuart Hazle, absent.

Welcoming Committee: Nancy Lundwall & Diana Jachim.

Need new Committee Members.

New Business:

A. Pay raise for Book Keeper, Susie Zwingman.

Eric motions to pay Susie $25.00 an hour, while updating financial affairs, until August.

Beau seconded, motion passed.

B. Annual Meeting: Snacks, Coffee & Punch will be provided.

C. Moving posts in Parks C & N.

Park C: People were driving and parking on neighbor’s yard.

D. Townline Lake Meeting: Will be held on Wednesday June 2nd @3:00 p.m.

Beau motion to adjourn, Curt seconded. Meeting Adjourned.


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