Honeymoon Heights Owners Association
Board of Governors Meeting
Minutes for April 21, 2022 Meeting
Board members present: Stuart Hazle, Nancy Lundwell, Eric Galle, Kim Schueneman, Curt Becker.
Pledge Of Allegiance was recited by all present.
Reading of Minutes from October 21,2021 meeting was read and approved.
Treasurer’s Report, Ending April 20,2022.
Beginning Balance: $25,866.14
Debits, October 6,2021 – April 20,2022
Tri-County Electric $241.81
Lets Talk Trash $1,350.00
Ed Koutz Gravel $1,630.00
Dave Johnson Mowing $2,372.10
Lonny Day Park Maintenance $1,093.78
New Look Computer, Cleaning $58.00
MI. Corporation registry $20.00
SIG CAN Surety $187.00
Delamater Gutters, Clubhouse $1230.00
Laptop repair-Pres. Reimbursed $170.00
3 Year Subscription Website $360.00
TOTAL: $8,692.69
Deposits- October 6,2021 – April 20,2022
(11) Deposits Total $10,107.50
Transfer from PayPal. 4-5-2022 $2,330.87
Ending Balance as of April 20,2022 $29,328.27
Nancy motioned to accept treasure’s report, Eric seconded, motion passed.
Old Business:
1. Collection Agency: Tabled until we get a new program.
2. Lots 549 & 550: Structure Violation of Assoc: Rules. Stuart is still working on this.
3. Assoc. Violation, Lot 613, 1 Trailer, Cato Township is working on this.
4. Financial computer program update for Treasurer: was told it is easier to us Quicken Online.
a. Susie Zwingman will check into what will work best.
5. Trash Day 2022, is set for June 4th 3 dumpsters. Kim motioned, Curt seconded. Motion passed.
a. Eric will call “Lets talk Trash” to schedule them.
6. Eavestrough’s for clubhouse have been installed.
7. Survey on parks has been posted to the park newsletter boxes.
8. Dock install and permits: Docks have been installed.
9. Newsletter for April 2022.
Committee Reports:
Roads: Kim has spoken with Cato Township about roads. Lakeside between Birch and Hickory, Elm Street between Pine and Cedar, to be done by the County
Lights: all working
Blight: still being worked on.
New Business:
A. New Board Member; Beau Couillard will take over for Lonny Day.
B. Park Upkeep and Mowing: Kimberly Johnson Bid of $7,000.00 to take care of parks.
Mowing and picking up sticks.
a. Kim Motioned, seconded by Beau, motion passed.
Spring and Fall Cleanup: Fall 2021 and Spring 2022= 64 hours @ $25.00 = $1,600.00.
a. Motion made by Nancy, seconded by Eric, Motion passed
C. Association Garage Sale: Nancy motions to move trash day to June 11, and association garage sale June 4th.
D. Treasurer & Secretary, Eric motions to make Curt Secretary & Treasurer. Nancy seconds, motion passed. Eric to be member at large.
a. Eric motions to have Susan Zwingman to do Treasurer Book Keeping @$100.00 a month. Kim seconded, motion passed. Susan will present treasurer report to Curt to present to Board.
E. May 19Th meeting, Stuart will be absent.
F. Kim motioned for Eric to be removed from checking account, and Nancy Lundwell added. Eric seconded, motion passed. Stuart to take care of paper work at Mercantile Bank.
G. Lawn care for parks 2022. Curt motioned and Nancy seconded to pay Kim Johnson ½ of lawncare for the season on April 21st, and the second ½ at October 20th meeting. Motion passed.
H. Nancy motions to adjourn meeting, Eric seconded. Meetimg adjourned.