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HHOA Annual Meeting June 24th Agenda

Honeymoon Heights Owners Association

Board of Governors Meeting

Agenda for June 24, 2023 10 am at Clubhouse

Board Members Present:

Pledge of Allegiance: recited by all present

Guest Foum:

Reading of last Meeting Minutes: 5-18-2023

Treasurers Report, Ending May 31, 2023 -Susan

a. Statements-owners not getting a mailed statement

Old Business:

1. Collection Agency

2. Lots 549 & 550 structure violation of Assoc. Rules

a. Need to get mailing address they are using

3. Assoc. Violation, lot 613, 1 trailer, Cato Township, answer from Jourdan

4. Docks- Pittmans donating

5. Property Taxes HHOA- Stuart

6. Ditch Park C- Dave Johnson

7. Feral Cats-Nancy

8. Lake Weeds


Committee Reports:

Parks: Beau Couillard

a. Park B grass seed


Roads: Kym Schoenemen

Lights: Curt Becker

Dock Permits: Stuart Hazle

Blight: Nancy Lundwall

Website: Stuart Hazle

New business:

1. Park C1 Parking

2. Board Openings

a. Nancy Lundwall, Kim Schueneman are stepping down, 3 year term

3. Budget for 2023

4. Raise dues in June Meeting- due to cost increases

5. Dock at Park J- Kiter, they would purchase

6. Reimburse Stuart Hazle, vinyl for signs 6.33

PO Box Key 15.00

Adjourn Meeting

Board Members Ending Term of Office


Nancy Lundwall

Kim Schueneman


Stuart Hazle

Beau Couillard


Curt Becker

Susan Zwingman


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