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August 15 HHOA Meeting Minutes

Honeymoon Heights Owners Association

Minutes from August 15, 2019 Meeting

Board Members Present: Stuart Hazle, Curt Becker, Lonny Day, Eric Galle, Diana Jachim

Pledge of Allegiance: recited by all present

Guest Forum Concerns:

Ed Koutz spoke about local roads breaking apart. Cato Township has a fund for roads. He

told the board that Mark Christen informed him HHOA needs to pay half if they want it done. Perhaps the HHOA could lobby the Montcalm County Road Commission as an incentive to get our roads coated with Tar and pea stone.

Laurie Weller told the Board lot 284 (next to park L) on Channel Dr hasn't been mowed

Reading of Meeting minutes for 6-29-2019: Diana Jachim read the minutes.

Motion made by Lonny Day to approve minutes as read, seconded by Curt Becker,

minutes approved.

Treasurer's Report, Ending August 1, 2019:

a. Expenses for month: $1372.80

b. Monies in Savings: $20,358.26

Several questions were asked & discussed:

How many lot owners owe dues? - Eric Galle did not have that info on hand

Eric Galle reported an additional of $1700+ was made after report made & follow-up letters to be sent out mid-Sept. After 8/1/19 $450.00 of that deposit was in arrears.

How do 2019 collections compare with 2018? - data not yet available. Curt Becker suggested

certified letters be sent out.

Stuart Hazle stated he had spoke to a George Shoup owner of lot 739, Shoup’s lot is inaccessible by road and stated that he would not pay dues for something that is not usable.

Old Business:

1. Collection Agency: Eric Galle reported our lawyer said a 2% fee would be charged on paid late dues.

Should we offer residents a one-time opportunity to pay half of what is owed and forgive

the remaining half for anyone who is currently behind over 5 years. This was discussed for

hardship cases, case by case, or if payments were volunteered. Rascall Calcutt said when he

was President, late fees couldn't be charged. Comment was made that the current HHOA by-laws allow late fees to be charged. Stuart Hazle will contact Jourdan Rassmussen, HHOA Lawyer on the legality. Further discussion at next meeting.

2. Blight: Lot 284 - Stuart Hazle reported lot will be mowed very soon by Freedom Lawn Care.

Lot 393 - Curt Becker reported mowers are at the curb, the pontoon boat is gone as are the

washers & dryers. Some fencing has been done at the gate.

Eric Galle to check on a clean-up day, perhaps a dumpster for a day or trash put out at the curb, picked up. Lonny Day to check out prices for these services.

Rascal Calcutt reported a lot at Lake Shore Dr/Birch Dr has a foreclosure sign & is up for auction. Curt Becker to call Republic Services to pick up 2 trash containers left at curbside since June.

3. Structure violation: Lots 549 & 550 - Stuart Hazle checking on 11857 Birch Dr address.

4. Channel Dredging: Lonny Day met with Marv Kladder. A bad job was done last time. Nothing can be done until 8/22/2019 public meeting at 3:00 pm. Ed Koutz will try to attend. HHOA was told they could use a pump to do the job.

5. Association Violation Lot 613: Stuart Hazle checking with the lawyer for additional information.

6. Tennis Court Clean-up: Stuart Hazle reported Freedom Lawn Care doesn't do that kind of work. A sub-contractor will be contacted about the clean-up. Stuart Hazle reported that Andys Tree Service estimate of $4880.00 includes cleaning vines off of fence. Lonny Day to check with another service to see if he can get a better price.

7. Bulletin Board: Lonny Day & Leroy Day installed the bulletin board. The board at the clubhouse can't be locked as the glass is too thick. Ed Koutz will make the necessary repair. Lonny Day reported Lot 613 watched them, took pictures & were going to sue HHOA for moving the post.

8. Complaints: Lonny Day will set up website for lot owners to email complaints & concerns. There needs to be a way to track progress of complaints. Stuart Hazle reported that is already in place. A few residents are having trouble with kids causing some trouble on the tennis court. Stuart Hazle reported the HHOA has a post office box also to mail letters to HHOA PO Box 245 to mail in complaints & concerns. Ed Koontz will post this in the Newletter.

9. Roger Jachim spoke with Marv in June & discussed HHOA's interests. He called the DNR, left a voice message about the "dinks" smothering the other species in Townline Lake, the lake badly needs help controlling them, asked what the DNR's plans were for stocking Townline Lake. Fish planting happen in the fall. New hatches are swarming everywhere. Mr. Jachim will continue discussions and report at next meeting. Judy Hazle said the Church Camp has a marsh the DNR is working on. There already are too many small fish in the lake. She will give the names & phone numbers of the DNR to Roger Jachim.

10. Dock Commission: Ed Koutz submitted their 1st report, showing a preliminary start up. Judy Hazle will get some pictures to put in newsletter. Laurie Weller said Park J is being used. It was also reported at least 4 boats are docked with no permit stickers. Ed Koutz told the board that park mowing cost is $3000/year, $30,000/10 years, $60,000 for 20 years while the docks last about 20 years. That's alot of money to be spent for mowing. Lots of people are fishing off the docks, as the docks are not just for docking boats. Ed Koutz said Mike Gross' thoughts were zero should be charged a land owner if he helps to put in & remove docks & the land owner could get 1st chance at the limited dock permits. The Dock Committee has not reached any conclusions yet.

11. Suggestion Box: Ed Koutz to put up at clubhouse.

Committee Reports: Parks - Lonny Day reported on Park N

Roads - Stuart Hazle

Lights - Diana Jachim

Bldg issues -

Blight - Curt Becker

Website - Stuart Hazle found a way to put albums into Photo Gallery & pictures of

the lake are being submitted.

New Business: A. Annual Audit - Stuart Hazle stated that an annual audit needs to be done on the HHOA Books, Rascal Calcutt stated that Trumpetts & Doves in Howard City has done the Audits before. Eric Galle told the Board an audit should be done yearly as a self audit & every 3rd year the audit should be done by an outside independent firm. July is tax time. It was decided to continue to have Trumpetts & Doves continue to do our audit.

B. Committee Reports - completed (see above)

C. Lot 739 - Stuart Hazle reported the lot owner says property can't be used because

there is no way to access it & it's not worth paying for.

D. Newsletter - Ed Koutz will add pictures to the Newsletter by 9/1/2019.

E. If a lot is sold - Suggestions were made that HHOA by-laws be given to new residents, a

title search be done, a welcome letter be given as well as a letter of HHOA


F. New Board Member - Stuart Hazle requested that anyone showing interest to please

contact him.

Motion was made by Eric Galle to adjourn meeting, seconded by Lonny Day, motion passed.

Meeting ended 8:25 pm.

Next scheduled meeting is Sept 19, 2019 at 7:00 pm.


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