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Meeting Minutes 9-20-2018

Honeymoon Heights Owners Assoc.



Meeting opened with Pledge of Allegiance at 7:00 pm


-Tim Rowland had questions about building permits. Lives on Channel drive (lot 268) thinking about building pole barn on lot 264.

-Carolyn Enyart motioned to disband HHA. It was explained to her that home owners can only make motions at the yearly meeting. She abruptly left.

-Deb Ashbaugh asked about dock fees, Stuart explained that we would discuss later. She also asked about dredging the channel-Stuart said this would be discussed later in the meeting.


-Lonny read minutes from last meeting. Ed motioned to accept minutes Stuart second, all approved.


-Ed read treasure report Lonny motion to accept treasure report Rascal second all approved


-Change Bylaws to read "if you are two years behind in dues a letter will be sent to you"

-Blight lot 393 and 551, still an ongoing process to have it cleaned up.

-Park J needs new roof Lonny said he would get estimate from Kieffs Roofing Estimate for shingles and estimate for steel

-Tree roots at Park A we have a permit good for 5 years from Picture Perfect ($4,650.00) table until spring April Meeting. To possibly remove roots in the spring of 2019

-New docks 7 sections ($11,000.00). Board talked (online) about just doing three sections ($4,722.00) now @ park N. This would also be handicap accessible. Move current dock from park N to park B1

-Lots 549 & 550 (guy living in cabin). Mike with Montcalm county said he could help us with this, we just must prove the guy is living there. The guy receives mail there, so we are waiting to see if township or county is going to do anything.

-Dredging of channel (last time it was dredged was 2009). Letters are supposed to be mailed out to let us know when the next meeting on this would be. As of 9/20 no letters had been received. In 2009 the cost was $112,000.00 spread out over 4 years.

-online payment of dues would cost 2.9% or $.30 per transaction. This would have to be passed on to the lot owner. Lonny motioned to table this while we found out more information on how to use it. Ed second all agreed.

-Dock fees. Lonny motioned that there would be no fees for the docks, Todd second all approved

-Lot 613 Three trailers on lots is in the lawyer's hand (cost $800.00 to $1,000.00)

-Potholes Stuart contacted Montcalm county through website. Lonny said he would go on website and fill out paperwork to have the same areas fixed

-Signs for tennis court. Rascal has signs being made. They will read the same as the park signs

-C1 park to be a swim only park. Ed stated we do not have enough docks to install one there at this time. Rascal motioned to leave the parks the way they are now. (no dock at park C1) Lonny second all agreed

-Newsletter- Need someone to oversee writing and distributing newsletter. Ed said we would do this. How to distribute it? Mail it with dues once a year and post it on the web site 3 times a year.

-Fire pit on park property. Owners said they will move it

-Association tennis court on cherry street needs brush and debris removed from outside of it. Table until next month but might be a good spring job.

-Schedule removal of docks for the winter. 10/13/18 @ 9:00am. Start at park C by the store.

-To new board volunteers were accepted on the board. Kurt Becker and Eric Galle.



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