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Meeting Minutes 8-26-2017


Board of Governors Meeting

August 26th, 2017 @ 1:05pm

(Board Minutes Pending Board Approval)

Board Members Present: Rascal Calcutt, Stuart Hazle, Dianna Koone, Ed Koutz, Rick Loveless,

Bill McElroy.

Association Members Present: Alan Williams, Curt & Lisa Becker.

Reading of June 24th Minutes: Motion to Approve: Rick, Second: Stuart, Voted: Yes.

Reading of Treasurer’s Report: Motion to Approve: Rick, Second: Dianna, Voted: Yes.

Recognition of members, Visitors and Guest: Curt & Lisa Becker (Lot 724) are having an issue with people parking on their property while using Park-C1 on Hemlock St. It was concluded that a survey needed to be done to resolve the issue and parking signs to be placed. It was motioned by Rick to order a survey. Second by Dianna. Voted: Yes.

Old Business:

Park Boat Docks: It was asked if Shoreline owners were restricted from use of the Park docks. Rascal explained that Shoreline owners may use the docks for loading or unloading, fishing, or any other recreational use, and in the case of temporary urgency, such as installing a sea wall, the Shoreline owners may get permission to temporarily park their watercraft at the Park docks.

Cato Adoption of HH Zoning Set Backs: A letter dated; August 6,2017 from HH's Attorney, Jourdan Rasmussen, confirmed that Cato's Attorney Trent Hilding and Jourdan were both in agreement that passing ordinances that would make an exception for the setbacks in Honeymoon Heights would be positive for both parties. A draft of the new Cato regulations was presented for the board's review.

Committee Reports:

Parks...Dianna: Remove a section of retaining wall at Park-M and remove tree roots from swim area at Park-A is not done. Dianna made a motion to gravel the drives of Park-C and Park-N and not to exceed $1,000. Second by Rick. Voted: Yes. Dianna said that it has been reported that the steps in Park-B, leading down to the shoreline, are in need

of repair. Ed said that he would inspect and report to Rascal.

Roads...Stuart: The S curve by Ford Lincoln Park is our main concern. Alan said that when we resealed they stopped at Birch Dr because the rest of S curve belongs to County.

Lights...Bill: At the Cato Township Meeting; June 19, 2017, it was reported that the bill was $1,536.00 and there is $2,413.00 reserved in the Cato Treasury.

Building Permits...Ed: Lot owners are still bypassing HH and going to Cato for Building Permits.

Website...Stuart: Alan is teaching Stuart how to master the website.

New Business:

Thank You: A hearty thank you to Alan Williams for his past service to HHOA.

Welcome: Welcome to Stuart Hazle as now the Vice President and Bill McElroy as Board member.

Changing the HHOA meeting day and time: It was discussed and tabled until next meeting.

HH Plats: Dianna made a motion to get 25-HH Plats printed because our supply is getting low. Second by Rick. Voted: Yes.

Motion to Adjourn: Rick made a motion to Adjourn. Second by Stuart. Voted: Yes. Time: 2:37pm

Minutes prepared and filed by Ed Koutz.

Posted to the Website by Stuart Hazle


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