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Meeting Minutes 6-24-2017


Board of Governors Meeting

June 24, 2017 @ 1:03 pm

Board Members Present: Rascal Calcutt, Alan Williams, Dianna Koone, Ed Koutz, Rick Loveless.

Board Members Absent: Stuart Hazle. (Excused ).

Association Members Present: None.

Reading of May 5th Minutes: Motion to Approve: Alan, Second: Rick, Voted: Yes.

Reading of April Minutes: Motion to Approve: Rick, Second: Dianna, Voted: Yes.

Reading of Treasures Report: Motion to Approve: Alan, Second: Rick, Voted: Yes.

Old Business:

Repairs to Clubhouse...Siding, Doors, Window : All are done, total cost: $2,109.55.

Committee Reports:

Parks: Corey is mowing grass. He has removed a tree limb, ground 2 tree stumps and one at the clubhouse.

Roads: Pot holes on S curve by the Ford Lincoln Park was discussed at the Cato Township meeting.

Lights: Bill is paid.

Building Permits: No permits issued yet this year. Lot 321 got a building permit from Cato and Montcalm without going through HH. It was suggested to get one from HH but, no action taken.

Blight: Mr Lawens signed a 30 day agreement to remove junk. He has complied.

Website: Alan gave a report about website security. We paid $95.88 to insure protection and it is working very well. Alan is going to post a picture of the Clubhouse improvements.

New Business:

Boat / Dock Permits : Shoreline owner requested boat dock permit. Same shoreline owner has his dock & a family member's dock filled with several watercraft items & now with no more shoreline family left, wants to use park docks to help sell a watercraft item. Board discussed request deeply & denied it.

Update from Cato Township Board Meeting : The adoption of the HH zoning set backs are still under discussion.

Election ; Need to confirm Rascal Calcutt, Rick Loveless and Stuart Hazle. To finish terms that they filled for resigning board members. Rascal Calcutt to 2019, Rick Loveless to 2018, and Stuart Hazle to 2018.

Motion to confirm by Alan, Second Dianna, Voted : Yes.

Nominations : Bill McElroy, Dianna Koone. Motion to accept and elect by Rick, Second by Alan, Voted : Yes.

Next meeting in August will be announced.

Motion to Adjourn: made by Rick, Supported by Dianna, Voted: Yes

Time: 2:55 pm

Minutes prepared and filed by Ed Koutz.

Posted to the Website by Alan Williams.


Board of Governors Meeting

June 24, 2017

Election Results

President : Rascal Calcutt

Vice-President : Stuart Hazle

Secretary : Ed Koutz

Treasure : Dianna Koone

Member at Large : Rick Loveless

Member at Large : Bill McElroy

Alan Williams will continue to update website until a replacement can be found.

Dianna Koone will continue to hold the Treasurer position until a replacement can be found.

Ed Koutz will continue to be zoning administrator.


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