HONEYMOON HEIGHTS OWNERS ASSOCIATION Board of Governors Meeting April 22, 2017 @ 1:05 pm
Board Members Present: Rascal Calcutt, Dianna Koone, Ed Koutz, Rick Loveless, Stuart Hazle.
Board Members Absent: Alan Williams.
Association Members Present: Richard Koone, Richard Kreft, Judy Hazle, Chuck & Kelly Towns.
Reading of October Minutes: Motion to Approve: Dianna, Support: Rick, Voted: Yes.
Reading of December Minutes: Motion to Approve: Stuart, Support: Dianna, Voted: Yes.
Reading of Treasurers Report: Motion to Approve: Ed, Support: Stuart
Discussed: 1. Safety deposit box. Tabled until a later date.
2. Dianna presented some very interesting statistics of those members that have and
have not paid dues, and which lots are dues exempt.
3. Past dues collection. Tabled until more information can be gathered.
Voted on Motion to Approve Treasures Report: Voted: Yes.
Old Business:
Repairs to Clubhouse...Roof / Ceiling. President Rascal thanked Dianna for all the contact work that
she did with the contractor and insurance agent. He thanked Rick for getting a discount on the lights.
He also, thanked Richard Koone for helping him put in the electrical for the lights.
Removing section of retaining wall at Park M, to allow easier access to putting in dock / but not
by swim platform. This job is not done yet but, plans are being made to get it done soon.
There is a tree stump that needs to be removed in Park A.
The “No Dumping” sign at the corner of Cedar and Cherry St has been removed. Rascal and
Ed plan on discussing the matter with the neighboring lot owner. So as to work something out.
Committee Reports:
Parks: Dianna made a Motion for $500.00 to hire Dave Johnson for a one time payment, to pick up
the sticks and leaves in all the active parks that are to be mowed. Support: Ed, Voted: Yes.
Roads: Stuart discussed the many potholes.
Lights: Alan
Permits: Ed stated that we had one request for a deck permit on the channel shoreline but, because it
wasn't over 30 inches high, no permit was needed. We are waiting for Cato to adopt HH zoning
bylaws. It is in it's final stage and waiting upon the approval of the lawyer. Ed said that he has seen it
and it looks pretty good. Ed also said that the new proposed owner of Bettys Store, Jay Vandyke, has
the DEQ, Wade OBoyle watching him. Jay was told to call Wade to find out if there is a problem.
Blight: Rascal & Rick have filed complaint papers on Baney Jr and Thompson to Dave Kelsey. Also,
Richard Kreft complained about Lot 393. Richard Koone complained about Lots 548, 549, & 550.
Letters of Blight are being made and delivered to Dave Kelsey.
Website: Alan is keeping it updated.
New Business:
Clubhouse Siding, Broken Door/Window: Dianna will call for window repair. Richard Koone said
that vinyl siding would cost approximately $7,000. For Eric to paint would cost $4,000. For steel
siding would be about $2,300 and volunteers would have to put it on. Tabled for more information.
Bids on Park Mowing: Corey will mow parks for $3,000/yr. Tabled for more information.
Boat / Dock Permits are in: Rascal has permits.
Motion to Adjourn: made by Rick, Supported by Dianna, Voted: Yes Time: 2:50 pm Minutes prepared and filed by Ed Koutz. Posted to the Website by Alan Williams.