HONEYMOON HEIGHTS OWNERS ASSOCIATION Board of Governors Meeting April 19, 2018 @ 7:00 pm
Board Members Present: Rascal Calcutt, Stuart Hazle, Dianna Koone, Ed Koutz, Rick Loveless, Bill McElroy
Association Members Present: Richard Kraf, Kathy Nerychel, Danita Powell, Eric Calle, Visitor Attorney Jourdan Rasmussen.
Pledge of Alliance:
Floor Open for Guest: Kathie Nerychel did a presentation for "Little Free Library". Motion was made by Dianna to donate $200 for 2 "Little Free Library"s to be set up at B and B1 parks.
Second by Ed. Voted: All Yes.
Richard Kraf brought to the boards attention of the dismantling of cars at a neighbor of his as a Blight issue. Rascal explained the procedure of Blight Control, it is a process and being worked on.
Reading of Minutes: October 28, 2017 Meeting, October 30 Stump Removal Report. November 03 Email Meeting for Docks, December 28 Email Meeting for Second Opinion, February 7, 2018 Cato Public Hearing Report about HH Zoning. Motion to Approve by Stuart, Second by Dianna, Voted: All Yes
Treasure Report: Motion to Approve by Ed, Second by Stuart, Voted: All Yes
Old Business:
Schedule dates for putting in docks & taking them out; In: 2nd week of April, Out: 2nd week of October.
(2) New Roll A Docks were purchased for Parks A & C.
Meeting times have been changed and posted: April, May, August, September & October they will be on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7pm. Our June Annual Election Meeting will remain on the last Saturday of June but at 10:00 am.
Committee Reports:
Parks: Park J roof need shingled. Park A: Stuart found out MDEQ will give a permit to remove stumps. Paper work will start with $100.00 down. Dianna motioned to start paper work and pay $100.00. Second by Stuart. Voted: 4-Yes, 1-No.
Dianna motioned to hire Corey to mow parks for $3,500.00. Second by Bill. Voted: 4-Yes, 1-No
Park C-1 It was mentioned that posts being installed to mark the surveyed borders of the park, needs to be done yet. This was noted and is still in the works to be done.
New Business:
Attorney Jourdan Rasmussen gave presentation on collection of dues from members. He presented the Michigan Legislature (Condominium Act 59 of 1978) that gives HHOA the right to put a lien and foreclose on property that owes dues. He also gave Codifying steps and presented a letter that could be used.
Stuart motioned to adopt codifying letter. Second by Bill. Voted: All Yes.
Rick motioned to talk to Jordan about the small building on Lots 549 and 550. Second by Stuart. Voted: All Yes.
Tabled for next meeting: (1) Need to refile bylaws. (2) Suggestion of a news letter. (3) Discussion of board members getting a small pay. (4) Acceptance of HHOA History Welcome Letter.
Motion to adjourn: Stuart. Second by Rick. Voted: All Yes. Time 8:50 pm