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HHOA October 2020 Meeting Minutes

Updated: Jun 8, 2022

Honeymoon Heights Home Owners Association

Board of Governors Meeting

Minutes of October 15, 2020

Board Members Present: Lonny Day Stuart Hazle, Eric Galle, Nancy Lundwall

Pledge of Allegiance recited by all present.

Guest Forum: Ken Lundwall – commented of how good Park C looked. Roger & Dianna Jachim, Judy Hazle – commented on how good the parks looked, Dave Johnson, Rascal Calcutt.

Nancy Lundwall read the Sept. 17, 2020 minutes. Accepted as read.

Eric Galle read the treasurers report: Beginning Balance $26,558.91

Five checks totaling $2,413.66 were written, one debit of $34.13 (electric bill)

Balance as of Sept.30,2020 $24,111.12

Accepted as read.


1. Collection Agency – on going

2. Lots 549 & 550 structure violation - on going.

3. Dredging of Channel at North end – Lonny contacted the county commissioner and are working together on resolution.

4. HHOA violation, lot 613 - lawyer Jordon Rassmuson is going before the judge Oct. 22,2020 to remove trailers.

5. Roger Jachim has purchased 500 walleyes for $900.00 Shipping & handling $81.00. They are to be picked up and released into Townline Lake Sat. Oct. 17,2020. The DNR will be releasing walleye fingerlings in the spring of 2021, and continue on a two year cycle.

6. Road care – Hazel Road was repaired by the county

7. Clean-up day 3 – 15yd dumpsters were filled. Big Success!

8. Parks M, B, C1, N Stone Seawall – Lonny and Stuart will draw up plans for the project and submit for permit.


1. Parks: Lonny – Lonny motioned to be reimbursed $700.00 dollars for stone for Park N. Eric 2nd. Passed. Park C bushes and under growth was removed to widen the park and lake frontage. Trees in Park D (2) and J (1) are to be removed in late Oct or early Nov. In the spring the stairs at Park B need to be replaced or repaired. The idea of “adopt a park” was discussed.

2. Roads: Kym Schoenemen - no action

3. Lights: Nancy Lundwall – no action

4. Blight: Curt Becker – no action

5. Website: Stuart Hazle – working well

New Business:

A. Fall Leaf Clean-up: Dave Johnson submitted a bill for 15 hrs. for additional hours of work during the summer of 2020 in cleaning up the parks. Eric motioned to pay the additional fee. Lonny 2nd. Passed. A motion was made by Eric to seek bids for park mowing and trimming for the 2021 season. 2nd by Lonny Passed One bid was turned in by Dave Johnson for a total cost of $4,500. Eric motioned to pay $20.00 per hour for fall and spring clean - up. Lonny 2nd. Passed

B. 2021 HHHOA meeting dates will be: April 15, May 20, June 26 (annual meeting) July no meeting, Aug 19, Sept. 16, Oct. 21,

C. Clean-up Day – Spring 2021 – pursue the possibility of having a garbage truck drive through Honeymoon Heights and do unlimited curbside pick - up.

D. Parking sign at tennis court. Lonny motioned that a sign be made that read “NO overnight Parking – violators will be towed at owner’s expense. Nancy 2nd. Passed

E. Park C1 – replanting of grass this fall and finishing in thee spring. Keeping the park entrance clear.

F. Well for Clubhouse, water, possible bathroom. Revisit in the spring

G. Docks on sale – revisit next year

Meeting adjourned:


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