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HHOA Meeting Minutes 9-19-2019

Honeymoon Heights Owners Association

Minutes from September 19, 2019 Meeting

Board Members Present: Stuart Hazle, Curt Becker, Lonny Day, Diana Jachim

Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm with 4 board members and 8 attendees present

Pledge of Allegiance: recited by all present

Guest Forum Concerns:

1. Kim Scheuneman & Lonny Day will meet at 9 am, Park C, Saturday 10-12-2019 to pull the

docks out of the water.

2. Roger Jachim was told past due collection letters have been mailed out as follow-up

continues to collect outstanding dues.

3. President Pauline O'Brien of the Schmeid Park Assoc asked how HHOA handles issues of

blight, road patrol, dues collection & liability insurance amount HHOA pays.

Reading of Meeting minutes for 8-15-2019: Secretary Diana Jachim read the minutes. Minutes were

approved as read, with exception that Church camp marsh is closed

Treasurer Report, Ending 9-1-2019:

Beginning Balance: $20358.26

a. Expenses for Aug: $ 171.94

b. Deposits for Aug: $ 1875.00

Ending Balance: $22061.32

Stuart Hazle read report since Eric Galle was absent. Eric Galle has contacted the auditor firm trying to schedule an appointment for an annual audit. Treasurer report approved as read.

Old Business:

1. Collection Agency: The application has been signed. Stuart Hazle spoke with lawyer about late

fees, which must be entered into by-laws to charge 2% fee. He will follow up with lawyer

again to ensure legalities. Nearly $35,000 is outstanding and unpaid. Nearly half of the land owners are current. Discussion will continue at Oct meeting.

2. Blight: Lot 284-Freedom Lawn Care has mowed the property on Channel Drive.

3. Structure violation: Lots 549 & 550-Stuart Hazle working on exact Birch Dr address.

4. Channel Dredging: Lonny Day couldn't attend Townline Lake Improvement Board 8-22-2019 meeting. Discussion continues. Pumping could happen between the road & weir.

5. Association Violation: Lot 613-Stuart Hazle conferring with lawyer. A notice was posted on the door with a court date of 11-7-2019. Two trailers & a truck remain while a solid wooden fence is being built on the North property line.

6. Assoc Tennis Court: Cherry Dr-Stuart Hazle read a letter from North neighbor Lot 475 Charlinda Lupien who refuses to give permission to clear vines and trees on north side of the tennis court. Amanda Evanzo, south neighbor Lot 474, reported her family has been clearing the court of weeds/vines/brush & mowing along her fence line. There's an 11 yr old stump entwined in the fence. Court is only 56' wide, which means HHOA can remove vines and trees within one foot of the fence. Diana Jachim motioned to approve $600 to remove a 35' leaning tree at rear of property, seconded by Lonny Day, motion passed. Stuart Hazle will check with Freedom Lawn Care to get another quote to maintain tennis court.

7. Bulletin Boards: New lock at clubhouse on the adjusted glass door has been done. Lonny Day will install new bulletin board at Park C, old store site.

8. Website & email are in place. Stuart Hazle received an email from the new owners of the old store, who have mowed, will replace windows & doors & want to also pole barn siding on the building.

9. Townline Lake Fishing & Stocking: Roger Jachim reports on several positive phone calls with DNR personnel & representatives, indicating they will be planting "walleye fingerlings" early June 2020. Currently that number is unknown but hoping to find out at Jan/Feb meeting. He plans to attend future DNR meetings.

10. Dock Committee: Ed Koutz submitted HHOA reports showing prior years expenses, indicating dock maintenance does not cost alot, compared to dumpsters & roads, committee has not met to discuss a policy on the docks at the parks.

11. Suggestion Box: Lonny Day will install at clubhouse.

12. Clean Up Day: Eric Galle was absent. Stuart Hazle read his report. "Lets Talk Trash" Company estimate would be $1500-$2000 for four or five 20-ton dumpsters & one person to oversee things, one Fall day & one Spring day. Lakeview had its clean up day 9-21-2019. Diana Jachim motioned to have Clean Up Day discussed & approved at annual June 2020 meeting, Lonny Day seconded, motion passed. Question was raised "How much participation would there be? Eric Galle's report suggested the channel shoreline parks need to be cleared of all brush on the shoreline.

Committee Reports:

Parks: Lonny Day reported a frame is needed for Park A swings. Park N has a large

timber in the water. Many parks need work, upkeep & new posts. New colored

letters have been installed to identify the existing parks. Will report further

at next meeting.

Roads: Kym Scheuneman volunteered to report on roads. Ed Koutz submitted 1988 Road

Improvement & Maintenance Agreements. Rascal Calcutt said 3 roads were

re-surfaced in 2014 for $30,000-Birch/Cherry/Lake Shore from Schmeid to

Pine. Currently there are 3 roads in bad shape: Hazel/Butternut/Hemlock.

Kym will determine roads" length of repairs. Road Commissions meet in Dec

for Cato & Montcalm Townships. Lonny Day said expenditures & work to be done

must be approved at June 2020 annual meeting. With a current account balance

of $22,000, perhaps $10,000 could be used for the most urgent streets. Diana

Jachim motioned to have Kym Scheuneman investigate repair/re-surfacing costs

for 3 roads & report at Oct meeting, seconded by Curt Becker, motion passed.

Lights: Diana Jachim reported 2 lights were out at Walnut/Birch & Honeymoon/Nelson.

Pole numbers will be called into Tri County Electric.

Building Issues: HHOA does not issue building permits anymore, only townships can.

Blight: Curt Becker said lot 284 has been mowed.

Website: Stuart Hazle-website is up & running. Newsletter could be added

to the website.

New Business:

A. Stone Seawall Park M-Stuart Hazle said Park A's wall would work well for Park M.

Lonny Day will check with DEQ & report at Oct meeting. Eric Galle's report

suggested lakeside parks need seawalls.

B. Laptops for President & Secretary-primary reason for purchase is to pass them on to

future board members. Lonny Day motioned to spend $500 for new and/or $200 for

refurbished laptops with USB port, seconded by Curt Becker, motion passed.

C. New Board Member-Diana Jachim motioned to have Kym Scheuneman complete Todd Barton's term, seconded by Curt Becker, motion passed.

D. Road Repair-Kym Scheuneman will pursue issues & report at Oct meeting. HHOA needs to fix approximately 6 miles of roads. Cato & Montcalm Townships provide equipment,

HHOA supplies materials. Repairs cost approximately $20,000 per mile.

E. Leaf Removal-Eric Galle's report states HHOA needs to take care of its leaves.

Perhaps a landscape company could be paid to do leaf removal/clean up twice/year.

Maybe leaves could be dumped at Cedar/Juniper site, lots 385/386.

F. Printers/Software-Eric Galle's phone text says upgrades are needed for hardware

& financial software. Ideas & concerns were discussed. Eric Galle has the HHOA

printer for Board use. Curt Becker motioned to have Eric Galle look into prices to purchase financial & hardware upgrades, Diana Jachim seconded, motion passed.

Motion was made by Curt Becker to adjourn meeting at 9:12 pm, seconded by Diana Jachim, motion passed.

Next scheduled meeting is Thursday October 17, 2019 at 7:00 pm.


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