Honeymoon Heights Owners Association
Board of Governors Meeting
Minutes of September 17, 2020
Board Members Present: Stuart Hazle, Curt Becker, Kim Scheunemen, Lonny Day
Nancy Lundwall
Pledge of Allegiance recited by all present.
Guest Forum: seven signed the guest sign up. Rascal Calcutt reported on building permit on lot 613.
Nancy Lundwall read Aug meeting minutes. Corrections were made. Lonny Day motioned to accept with corrections. Curt Becker 2nd. Motion passed.
Stuart Hazle in the absence of Eric Galle, read the treasurer’s report
Beginning balance: $27,207.78
Deposits: $251.50
Disbursements: $34.37 Elec. Lights
$824.00 Insurance, Auto Owners
Ending balance: $26,558.91
Motion to accept made by Curt Becker. 2nd by Kim Scheunemen. Motion passed.
Old Business:
1. Collection Agency – no action
2. Lots 549 & 550 structure violation of association rules – no action
3. Dredging of channel and weir repair – Lonny Day spoke with drain commissioner, Montcalm County is supposed to clean next to Weir – waiting for response.
4. Association violation lot 613, at the lawyers – waiting for action.
5. Discussion on walleye stocking in Townline Lake. Roger Jackim has been collecting monetary donations to purchase $600. Worth of walleye fingerlings from Stoney Creek Fishery. A motion was made to have HHOA donate $200.00 towards buying fingerlings to help reach the $600.00 goal. Motion made by Kim Scheunemen. Lonny Day 2nd. Motion passed.
6. Clean-up day, Oct.3, 2020 was discussed.
7. Parks M, B, & C1 stone seawall – no action
8. Finance computer Program update – no action
9. Dave Johnson – removal of 2 trees will be done after Oct. Second payment to Dave for park lawn care to be made by Sept. 20, 2020. Dave will submit a bill for extra work done this summer at the Oct. board mtg.
Committee Reports
Parks: Lonny Day, Lonny made a motion to pay $50.00 to his assistant who helped re-roof the pavilion at Park M. Curt Becker 2nd. Passed. Lonny Day motioned to purchase 8yds of crushed cement for no more than $500.00 or 8yds of crushed gravel for $200.00 for Park N. Curt Becker 2nd. Passed
Roads: Kim Scheunemen – discussion of Hazel St. and Lakeshore at Birch. The main idea being that the roads belong to Cato Township and they need to repair the roads. We already pay property taxes for road repair.
Lights: Nancy Lundwall – Lights are good
Building issues: no action
Blight: Curt Becker – discussion about who owns lots on Schmeid Rd.
Website: Stuart Hazle – all is working well.
New Business
1. HHOA non-profit corporation papers are completed and filed.
2. Tires & electronics disposal Montcalm County in Stanton MI Sept. 19th– discussed
3. Kim Scheunemen made a motion to spend $282.90 to replace the “fried” mother board of the lap top used by the HHOA president. Curt Becker 2nd Passed
4. Dock removal will be Oct. 10, 2020 at 9:00 am beginning at Park C. Volunteers needed.
Curt Becker made a motion to adjourn. Lonny Day 2nd. Passed