Honeymoon Heights Owners Association
Minutes For August 15, 2024 Meeting
Boards Members Present: Curt Becker, Ben Gonzalez, Bonnie Weber Visser, Kelley Hammis
Absent: Susan Zwingman, Judy Hazle
Pledge of Allegiance
Guest Forum
Sally Schenk offered to continue the distribution of “Welcome Packets” to new HH residents. She will receive the names of new owners from Susan Zwingman.
Reading of Minutes
June 29, 2024 minutes were read and approved with one exception: under “New Business” the word “retirement” was replaced by “resignation”.
Treasurers Report
Beginning Balance as of 8/13/24 $ 13,354.63
Deposits – Dues $ 200.00
Debits Total $ 40.12
Ending Balance $ 13,514.51
Treasurer’s report was approved.
Old Business
Feral Cats – Curt Becker reported that the feral cat population has declined
Committee Reports
Parks – Stuart Hazle and Ben Gonzalez approached the resident who removed the rocks from Park M. He promised to return them to the park. Ben Gonzalez and Curt Becker will cut up and remove the old docks in Park B.
Roads – Potholes have been filled and yellow arrows have been placed near Ford Lincoln Park for upcoming work.
Lights – No report
Blight – Kelley Hammis reported that she has some new blight properties to report. Curt Becker will assist in identifying the lot numbers of the offending properties.
Website – Curt Becker is working with Stuart Hazle to obtain the necessary passwords to access the website for maintenance.
New Business
Curt introduced the issue of HH properties operating as Airbnbs. He will explore further for possible regulatory precedence and how to include restrictions in our Bylaws.
Curt made a motion to adjourn; Kim Johnson seconded. Motion carried.