Honeymoon Heights Owners Association
Board of Governors Meeting
Agenda for May 20, 2021
Board Members Present:
Pledge of Allegiance: recited by all present
Guest Forum:
Reading of last Meeting Minutes: 4-15-2021
Treasurers Report, Ending April 30th
Old Business:
1. Collection Agency
2. Lots 549 & 550 structure violation of Assoc. Rules
a. Need to get mailing address they are using
3. Dredging of Channel at North end
4. Assoc. Violation, lot 613, three trailers,
5. Roger Jachim- Fishing and stocking Townline lake
6. Road Care- Tar and stone
7. Park M, B, C1, N Stone Seawall, Stuart Hazle
8. Financial computer program update for Treasurer
9. No Parking Sign at Tennis Court on Cherry St.
10. Donation of lots for Park, K. Carpenter
11. Clean Up Day- June 5, 2021, Lets talk Trash
Committee Reports:
Parks: Lonny Day
Roads: Kym Schoenemen
Lights: Nancy Lundwall
Dock Permits: Stuart Hazle
Blight: Curt Becker
Website: Stuart Hazle
New business:
A. Well for Clubhouse, water, possible bathroom
Meeting Adjourned