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HHOA Meeting Agenda 9-21-2023

Honeymoon Heights Owners Association

Board of Governors Meeting

Agenda for September 21, 2023 7 pm at Clubhouse

Board Members Present:

Pledge of Allegiance: recited by all present

Guest Forum:

Reading of last Meeting Minutes: 8-18-2023

Treasurers Report, Ending August 31, 2023 -Susan

a. Statements-owners not getting a mailed statement

b. Tax Report has to be filed for HHOA


Old Business:

1. Collection Agency

2. Lots 549 & 550 structure violation of Assoc. Rules

a. Need to get mailing address they are using

3. Assoc. Violation, lot 613, 1 trailer, Cato Township, answer from Jourdan

4. Ditch Park C- Dave Johnson

5. Feral Cats-Nancy

6. Lake Weeds- report Lake Improvement Board

7. Dock for Park B


Committee Reports:

Parks: Beau Couillard

a. Rotted Posts at some parks

Roads: Kelley Hammis

Lights: Curt Becker

Dock Permits: Stuart Hazle

Blight: Lyle Visser

Website: Stuart Hazle

New business:

1. Dock Removal Date

Adjourn Meeting


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