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HHOA Meeting Agenda 4-18-2024

Honeymoon Heights Owners Association

Board of Governors Meeting

Agenda for April 18, 202 4, 7 pm at Clubhouse

Board Members Present:

Pledge of Allegiance: recited by all present

Guest Forum:

Reading of last Meeting Minutes: 10-19-2023

Treasurers Report, Ending March 31, 2024 -Susan

a.     Mailing to those who owe dues

Old Business:

1.    Collection Agency, were letters sent, Response?

2.    Assoc. Violation, lot 613,  1 trailer, Cato Township

3.    Ditch Park C- Dave Johnson, Miss Dig?

4.    Feral Cats

5.    Spring Clean up

Committee Reports:

          Parks: Beau Couillard

a.     Rotted Posts at some parks

          Roads: Lyle Visser

          Lights: Curt Becker

          Dock Permits: Stuart Hazle

          Blight: Kelley Hammis

          Website: Stuart Hazle

New business:

1.    Lawn Mowing, Dave Johnson

2.    Spring clean up

3.    Park A clean up, Contractor mess

4.    Budget 2024              

Adjourn Meeting  


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