H.H.O.A. Board Of Govenors
Minutes from August 18, 2022 Meeting
Board Members Present: Stuart Hazle, Nancy Lundwell, Kim Schueneman, Beau Couillard, Susie Zwingman, Curt Becker.
Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present.
Reading of meeting minutes from June 25th meeting were read and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report, June 25th to August 18th 2022.
Beginning Balance, June 25th. $18,965.71
Debit’s - $1,466.85
Deposit’s- $530.0
Ending Balance as of August 18th, $18,026.86
Old Business:
1. Collection Agency: Nancy motions to send out billings for past due due’s by September 1st.
Seconded by Beau, motion passed.
2. Lot’s 549 & 550. Structure Violation of Assoc. Rules: Nothing new to report at this times
3. Assoc. Violation, Lot 613. 1 Trailor. Cato Township: Stuart talked to Jourdan, is waiting on court date for Mr. Marvel.
4. Trash Day: September 24th, 8am til noon. Nancy called Republic and didn’t like bid, is going to talk to Let’s Talk Trash. Susie motioned, Curt seconded. Motion passed.
5. Property Taxes HHOA. Jourdan has been calling Deb Rashid from Cato Township, she has not yet returned his phone calls. Curt motions to pay summer property taxes is September as to avoid penalties. Susie seconds, motion passed.
Committee Reports:
Parks: Beau Couillard.
A. Swing Set painting to be done by John Boggs.
B. Park B Grass Seed. Is being worked on
C. Telephone Poles: Is being looked into.
D. Moving posts in parks C & N. Will look for survey markers.
Roads: Kim Schueneman.
Nothing new to report at this time. County has already spent its road money for this year.
Lights: Curt Becker
All are working at this time.
Dock Permts: Stuart hazle.
Filed with county the new additions to dock rules.
Website: Stuart Hazle.
Is working fine at this time.
New Business:
Kim Motions to adjourn meeting, Curt seconds. Meeting Adjourned.