Honeymoon Heights Owners Association
Board Of Governors Meeting
Minutes For October 20, 2022 Meeting
Board Members Present: Stuart Hazle, Kim Schueneman, Susan Zwingman, Curt Becker, Beau Couillard.
Absent: Nancy Lundwall.
Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present.
Guest Forum: Lot #22, Owner has multiple cats that she is feeding. The cats are leaving droppings in neighbors yards.
Dave Johnson reports that people are not taking care of their dog droppings in the parks.
Rascall Calcutt attended a Cato township meeting, and reported back to the association that the township is not following through on association blight complaints.
Kim motions to have Dave Johnson clean bee’s out of kiosk in parks, Curt seconded, motion passes.
Reading of minutes from 9-15-2022 meeting was read and approved.
Treasurer’s Report, ending October 1st 2022:
Opening Balance as of September 11, 2022. $17,206.62
Debits, $7,898.25
Deposits, $100.00
Ending Balance: $9,408.37
Old Business:
1. Collection Agency, Was able to collect $100.00 from sending out statements again in Sept.
2. Lots 549& 550 structure violation of Assoc. Rules. Nothing new to report at this time.
3. Assoc. Violation, Lot 613, 1 trailor, Cato Township. Nothing new to report at this time.
4. Trash Day Summary; Went well and was being used by members.
5. Property Taxes HHOA- Stuart: Jourdan is trying to get ahold of township to get this resolved.
6. Audit- Trumpets & Dove,
A, Shannon Stock MBA, Howard City Mi. Susan motions for paperwork to be submitted for audit, for dates of 11-1-2021 to 10-31-2022 to Shannon Stock. Beau seconds, motion passes.
7. Dock Removal Summary: Docks are out.
Committee Reports:
Parks: Beau Couillard:
A. Park B Grass Seeding: Will do in spring.
B. Telephone Poles: Will see what poles are bad, and will discuss in the spring.
Roads: Kim Schueneman:
Spoke with county, they did come out and fill in some pot holes.
Lights: Curt Becker: all are working.
Dock Permits, Stuart: Done for the season.
Blight: Nancy was absent.
Website: Stuart, all is working well at this time.
New Business:
1. Meeting Dates 2023
a. April 20
b. May 18
c. June 24
d. August 17
e. September 21
f. October 19
2. Letter of Complaint about cats on Lot#22
a. It has been reported that there has been reported that there are around 17 cats coming and going from this residence, this violates Bylaw #14 which states that you can only have 3 pets in the residence.
b. HHOA will send a certified letter to the owner of the cats, informing them of the bylaw and to stop feeding all the cats.
3. Fall and Spring Park Clean up
Kim Motions to approve up to $2,000 by Dave Johnson for fall 2022 & spring 2023 cleanup of parks. Beau seconds, motion passes.
Susan motion to adjourn meeting, Kim seconds, meeting adjourns.