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HHOA Annual Meeting Minutes 6-24-2023

Honeymoon Heights Owners Association

Board of Governors Meeting

Minutes for June 24, 2023 Meeting

Board Members present: Stuart Hazle, Nancy Lundwell, Curt Becker, Susan Zwingman, Beau Couillard>

Absent: Kim Scheuneman.

Guest Forum. Diana Jachim questioning about channel dredging.

Rascall Calcutt, questioning if voting on mowing contracts should be annual meeting since it is our biggest expense.

Ed Koutz. Pine and Cherry collecting water, visibility on a corner on Pine street.

Reading of minutes from 5-18-2023 meeting were read and approved.

Treasurer’s Report:

Balance on 5-13-2023 $10,262.49

Deposits: $2,712.50

Paypal: $225.54

Electric Bill: -$41.86

Balance as of June 22,2023 $13,158.67

Old Business:

1. Collection Agency: Susan is working on it and making realtors aware of back dues.

Nancy prefers to subtract amount of dues of county owned lots since dues will not be collected.

2. Lots 549 & 550 Structure Violation of Assoc. Rules. Stuart, nothing new to report at this time.

3. Assoc. Violation, Lot 613, 1 trailer Cato Township. Lt. George is waiting for approval from judge to ok the removing of the trailer. Judge signed order, waiting Lt. George to set date for removal.

4. Docks: Pittman’s donating dock to park B. It will be a improvement to wooden dock that is there now.

5. Property Taxes HHOA. Stuart has been on the phone with the IRS. HHOA is a non profit, but is not tax exempt. We will still have to pay property taxes.

6. Ditch Park C. Dave Johnson: Nothing new at this time, miss dig needs to be contacted.

7. Feral Cats, Nancy called county and they will not do anything about cats. It will be up to us to take care of. Will contact Cannonsville Critters about live trapping.

8. Lake weeds, Weeds are a lot better after last round of spraying.

9. 4th of July parade to be on July 2nd @7:00 p.m.

10. Mowing of parks vote from April meeting. Need to be sure we have a quorum for any votes.

Committee Reports:

Parks, Beau Couillard:

A, Park B grass. Beau bought seed and will be planting soon.

Roads, Kim Schueneman. Absent. Potholes have been getting filled.

Lights: Curt Becker, all are working fine.

Dock Permit. Stuart Hazle. there is a pontoon on one of the park docks without a sticker.

Blight: Nancy Lundwell, blight has been getting called in, complaint of a property with 3 vehicles without license plates.

Website, Stuart Hazle. Website is running fine.

New Business:

1: Park C1 parking: Kelly Hammis motions for a sign at Park C1 for no parking at park, Diana Jachim seconds, motion passes.

2: Board openings. Nancy and Kim are stepping down as terms are up.

Lyle Visser, Kelly Hammis and Rascal Calcutt volunteered.

A vote was taken, Lyle Visser and Kelly Hammis received the most votes.

3: Budget for 2023 was discussed and approved.

4. Raising of dues, after much discussion, Eric Galle motions to leave dues at current rate, Diana Jachim seconds, motion passes.

5. Dock at Park J. Kiter would purchase. Will maybe look into Park B. was notifies of a opening at Park A.

6. Reimburse Stuart Hazle: Vinyl for Signs $6.33

P.O. Box Key $15.00

Refreshments for meeting $36.77

Total of $58.10

Motion to reimburse passes.

Meeting Adjourned.


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