Honeymoon Heights Owners Association
Board of Governors Meeting
Minutes for June 30, 2018
Call to order ... Time 10:00 am
Pledge of Allegiance: recited by all present
Board Members Present: Rascal Calcutt, Stuart Hazle, Ed Koutz, Rick Loveless, Bill McElroy
Board Members Absent: Dianna Koone
Association Members Present: Jim Conway, Kathleen McElroy, Frank & Jodi Reynard,
Todd Barton, Debbie Ashbaugh, Raymond Jones, Richard Koone, Alan Williams, Tim & Deb Hansen, Phil & Kerri Tanis, John Vandenberg, Lonny Day, Gordon & Lauri Waller, Connie Brown, Wilma Glass, Don Sheneman, Mike Gross, Kathy Nerychel, John Kroneck, Amanda Evanzo, Brad Wernette,
Special Guest: Steve Waterburg (Schmeid Park Association President),
Marv & Diane Klader (Schmeid Park Association Secretary/ Treasurer)
Guest Forum:
Don Sheneman: Wanted to know how to change the bylaws. Rascal explained that it is done by the HHOA Minutes Forum. Don also asked "How can HHOA legally put liens and forecloses on properity." Rascal explained the HH Covenant bylaws, the Codifying method set up by the Lawyer, and the Michigan law that gives the Association the right. Don also asked "How far one has to be behind in dues." Rascal stated that the HHOA started with the highest amount owed and went down to $800.00. The Association members decided that they wanted it changed to: Sending the first letter to those who are two (2) years or more, behind with their dues.
Todd Barton: Asked if HHOA dues could be paid online ? Stuart said that it might be possible and he would look into it.
Connie Brown: Asked what the dues are used for. Rascal explained the benefits and where the monies are spent. Connie wanted to know how much the docks cost. Stuart answered her question that each dock, 4' x 48', cost $3200
Connie asked the question "Why does everyone pay for the docks and only a few get to use them ? Just want to be fair, maybe charge $25.00 per year. At the Methodist Church Camp they charge $200.00 per year and the renters supply their own docks.
Rascal explained how the dues have been getting paid since docks are being supplied. He also stated that back lot owners need just as much right to lake access as shoreline owners.
Connie also asked how are the sticker permits being monitored ? Rascal said that they are checked periodically.
Brad Wernette: Wanted to know if the HHOA treasury was audited. Richard Koone explained that we do have a yearly audit. Brad wanted a copy. Stuart said that when he gets it he will post on the website.
Membership wanted to know what was being done about the three (3) camper trailers on lot 613.They are devaluing the lots of other HH member's lots. Rascal stated that steps have already been made to correct the issue. Association attorney has sent final letter of removal, the next step is take the lot owners to court..
Kathie Nerychel: Was happy to see the Little Library Box being used at Park B1. Rascal showed a picture of a second Little Library Box that will be installed at Park B.
Gordy & Lauri Waller, Connie Brown, Frank & Jodi Reynard, Todd Barton : Had questions and concerns about the drenching on Channel and Pine. They also said that there was a methane smell in the area and that they would like the channel in front of their docks drenched also. Rascal said that he is in contact with the Montcalm Drain Commission. He said right now the excavating company was waiting for a permit to drench on the other side of the weir and open the culvert. Montcalm County did dredge between the weir and road already.
Membership wanted to know if someone could mow the overgrowth on the South East corner of Pine and Cherry Streets? Rascal said that county mows that, he will contact road commission Mark Christensen and ask if and when it will be mowed.
Steve Waterburg (Schmeid Park Association President), wanted to know about the HHOA Insurance liability coverage. Rascal explained it to him. Steve also commented that he liked how well organized the HHOA meeting was, "Great Association ".
Marv & Diane Klader (Schmeid Park Association Secretary/ Treasurer), made the comment that they liked the meeting and the way that it was run.
Reading of last meeting minutes: Motion to Approve: Stuart, second: Rick, Voted : All Yes.
Treasure Report: Motion to Approve: Ed, Second : Bill, Voted : All Yes.
Old Business:
A) Park "A" Stuart did fill out paperwork with DEQ to get permit for pre-approval meeting to remove stump/roots. Stuart and Rascal met with Cory Brown of DEQ, where she looked at the issue and gave HHOA several options on how to proceed. Stuart will proceed with submitting the actual permit.
B) Lot 613 in Zoning violation. Rascal said that Mr Kurt Marvel was sent a letter of violation and was invited to May's meeting to discuss issue, he didn't do either. Rascal then turned it over to Association's attorney for further action.
C) Lot 549,550,551, Violation. Rascal met with Zoning Administration, didn't really get anywhere with them. He is going to met with Township Board again, if no help there, then going to Association attorney for assistant.
Committee Reports:
Parks... Dianna Absent
Roads...Stuart: Cato is purposing to get a mil to fix roads. Since HH members pay taxes we will get our roads fixed too. Rascal heard from the County that they will be repaving from Birch Street west through the curves on Schmeid Rd.
Building.....Ed: Rascal explained that Cato and Montcalm now handle all building permits.
Blight...Rascal & Rick : Lots 549,550,551,issues are being handled by Cato Township. 613 issue by Association Lawyer.
New Business :
Motion made by Ed : To remove wording from the HHOA bylaws about issuing Building Permit procedures (Step #2). Second by Rick. Discussion ....... Voted : All Yes.
Motion made by Don Sheneman : First letter for lien and forecloses for delinquent dues is to be sent out after two (2) years of late dues. Second by Richard Koone. Discussion ....... Voted : All Yes.
Tennis Court on Cherry St : The park has been cleaned by Amanda Evanzo and HHOA members are once again using it. It was suggested to make a sign to let members know that the park is owned by the HH members. Richard Koone made a motion to pay Amanda $100.00 for her work. Second : Jim Conway
Discussion ..... Voted : All Yes.
Motion was made by Alan Williams to Adjourn. Second by Stuart. Voted : All Yes. Time : 12:20 pm
Next Meeting : August 16, 2018 at 7:00 pm