Honeymoon Heights Owners Association
Annual Board of Governors Meeting
Agenda for June 25, 2022, 10 am at Clubhouse
Board Members Present:
Pledge of Allegiance: recited by all present
Guest Forum:
Reading of last Meeting Minutes: 5-19-2022
Treasurers Report, Ending May 31th 2022
Old Business:
1. Collection Agency
2. Lots 549 & 550 structure violation of Assoc. Rules
a. Need to get mailing address they are using
3. Assoc. Violation, lot 613, 1 trailer, Cato Township
4. Financial computer program update for Treasurer
5. Trash Day, ReCap
6. Survey on Parks, have any been turned in?
7. 4th of July Parade
Committee Reports:
Parks: Beau Couillard
Roads: Kym Schoenemen
Lights: Curt Becker
Dock Permits: Stuart Hazle
Blight: Nancy Lundwall
Website: Stuart Hazle
New business:
A. Change parks signs, from no motorized to Golf carts only
B. Sand boxes for children in some parks
C. Review of Dues for HHOA Association
D. Election of Board Members
a. Curt Becker 2025
b. Eric Galle 2025
E. Moving posts in Parks C & N.
F. Budget for HHOA
G. Dock Policy addendum
Adjourn Meeting