Annual Board of Governors Meeting
Meeting Minutes for June 27, 2020
Board Members Present: Stuart Hazle, Lonny Day, Eric Galle, Kurt Becker, Kim Scheuneman, Diana Jachim
Pledge of Allegiance: recited by all present
Guest Forum:
Deb A. and Dan G. made mention of the weed problem in the lake.
Ed and Julie K. informed HHOA to be aware of possible looting going on around the lake.
Ken and Nancy L. was asking about growing larger fish in the lake.
Ron C. commented on what a great job Dave Johnson is doing on the parks mowing the lawns.
Guests noted there is an issue with blight.
Mike G. commented on the dock usage.
Ray J. donated a new sign for a park. He also questioned Lot 8 -Elm St. swamp issue.
Also mentioned were dredging issues.
A new resident received a $700 bill for his dues and wanted to know about “due” and how to pay them.
Diana read the meeting minutes of 5-21-2020. Motion made and passed unanimously.
Treasurers report at the end of May 30th was given by Eric Galle.
Dues received: $5262.50
Disbursed: $958.31
Balance: $28292.67
Old Business:
1. Collection Agency -Eric still updating list.
2. Lots 549 & 550 structure violation of Assoc. Rules – Stuart still working on it.
3. Dredging of Channel at North end – Lonny will be attending the Townline Lake Improvement Board to courage the drain commissioner to visit and look at the channel and weir. Covid has slowed down many things.
4. Assoc. Violation, lot 613, three trailers – July 13th judge will sign document to have trailer removed. It was noted that a pole barn type structure is going up.
5. Roger Jachim- Will attend Lake Improvement Board regarding fishing and stocking Townline lake.
6. Dock Committee, Calcutt, Koutz, Galle, Gross
The dock committee met to bring recommendations back to the annual meeting regarding management of docks. Eric presented and summarized. MOVED by Eric Galle to assess a fee for dock permit at the docks at HHOA parks. Seconded by Lonny Day.
Vote taken: 10 for; 17 against. Motion did not carry.
7. Road Care- Tar and stone was put on hold. Kim will call the road commission to discuss again road repair. He will also attend township meetings.
8. Clean up day to be scheduled for September (bring in dumpster).
9. Park M, B, C1, N Stone Seawall, Lonny Day stated still working on.
Park A may need a few more stones as the ones there have settled.
10. Financial computer program update for Treasurer – still pending.
Committee Reports:
Parks: Lonny Day
Lonny and team did a great job painting boundary posts at some of the
parks. Dead tree needs removing at park D (estimate is $1,400) by Tree
Ninja’s. MOVED by Lonny to have tree removed by Tree Ninja’s and a
second made by Diana Jachim. MOTION CARRIED.
Park M needs shingle repair. Lonny will check on supplies yet needed.
Danita commented it would be nice to identify parks for nature hikes.
Nancy commented park D needs new sign. Tennis courts entrances on the
sides of the court need to be blocked and keep the front entrance open. Dogs
running lose across the street from the tennis courts are a concern. They
scare folks who want to use the courts.
Roads: Kim Schoenemen stated roads are an ongoing issue to be dealt with
the county road commission.
Lights: Diana Jackim reported all street lights are working.
Building Issues: No issues.
Blight: Curt Becker reported to the county and it is being worked on.
Website: Stuart Hazle reported web site is up and running.
New business:
A. Review Dues – Moved by Eric and seconded by Rascal to leave the dues at $25 per lot per year. MOTION carried unanimously.
B. Election of Board Members.
1. 2020 Diana Jachim, Kim Scheuneman
Dianna Jachim resigned. The Board was thankful for her service.
MOVED by Dianna Jachim to nominate Nancy Lundwall as a new
Board member and also to nominate Kim Scheumeman to continue
on the Board. All voted “I”.
Stuart Hazle and Lonny Day terms end in 2021.
Curt Becker and Eric Galle’s terms end in 2022.
C. There was discussion on including a newsletter when sending out the dues statement.
Meeting Adjourned at 11:57 am.
Recording secretary,
Diana Jachim