Honeymoon Heights Owners Association
Board of Governors Meeting
Minutes for May 17th, 2018
Board Members Present: Rascal Calcutt, Stuart Hazle, Rick Loveless
Assoc. Members Present: Kathy Nerychel, Kurt Cutler, Richard Kraf, Debbie Ashbaugh
Pledge of Allegiance: recited by all present
Guest Forum:
Kathie Nerychel: Stated that the Librarian only wanted (1) "Little Free Library" in Honeymoon Heights, they wanted to use the other book boxes in other parts of the County. The Library returned $100 of the $200 to HHOA. This box to be installed at Park B1
Rascal said he had a friend that would build another Library box to be installed at Park B.
Motion made and approved for another Library Box to be made and installed at Park B
Richard Kraf: Donated a branding iron with the initials HHOA to the Association for marking HHOA property.
Richard also asked for a report on the Lot 393 Blight, removal of car parts scattered around the lot. HHOA is still moving forward with the procedure to have the items removed.
Kurt Cutler: Asked if another dock could be installed at Park B1, it was thought that only (1) dock per lot is allowed. It was suggested to install a dock at C1. It was noted that there was (3) dock sections at Park B not being used, Rascal will look into this issue.
Kurt was wondering if he could remove Purple Loosestrife from in front of his Lot, it was noted that it is an invasive species. Stuart will check with MDEQ or other sources to answer the question of removal.
Reading of last Meeting Minutes: 4-19-2018
It was noted in Parks, the Mowing of HHOA Parks was stated as Corey and should be changed to Aggressive Tree Service.
Motion to Approve: Rick, Seconded: Stuart, All approved.
Treasurers Report, Ending April 30, 2018
Deposits of $2,768.02, Debits of $63.24, Ending Balance $23,863.45
Motion to Approve: Stuart, Seconded: Rick, All approved
Old Business:
Codifying and collection of dues: Jordon Rasmussen, Lawyer for HHOA, sent (1) letter to Rascal to be used when Assoc. Members are lapse in their dues.
(2) small spelling errors were noted and corrected.
Letter was looked over and approved for use by the HHOA Board.
HHOA By-Law Set Back Rules:
Cato Township adopted HHOA Set Back rules, no further action needed.
Dock Permits: Permits for using the docks at the Assoc. Parks are available to be handed out to those lot owners who have paid their Dues to HHOA and are in good standing with the Assoc.
Park J: The picnic table structure roof is in need of a new roof, it was noted and no action taken.
Park A Tree Roots: Stuart and Rascal met with MDEQ Representative Cory Brown on May 17, 2018
MDEQ stated that removal of the roots as a tripping hazard can be done, but the following things would have to be done.
Submit an application for dredge work
Have a contractor give an estimate on work to be done and submit with application
Submit a sketch of work to be done and location of roots
State the type of seawall you would want installed
Permit if and when granted would be good for 5 years.
Motion made to move forward with the removal of roots and submitting an application.
Motion approved by: Stuart, Seconded by: Rick, All approved.
Lots 549 & 550 structure violation of Assoc. Rules: Rascal contacted the County Planning Board about this issue, Rascal is on the next Montcalm County Planning Meeting agenda.
Committee Reports:
Parks: Dianna Koone, absent
Roads: Stuart Hazle
It was noted that there is a wash out that occurs every time it rains at Park A, it runs right alongside of the road and makes it difficult to park your vehicle with this small gully.
Lights: Bill McElroy, absent
Building Issues: Ed Koutz, absent
Blight: Rascal & Rick
Website: Stuart
Website running ok, still needs some tweaking to make it better.
New business:
A. Lot 613 in violation of HHOA rules on trailers being on the Lot:
It was noted that there are (3) trailers on the lot
Should only be (1) trailer, and it is used temporarily while a permanent residence is being built.
It was also noted that one of the trailers is dumping black and gray water in a drain in the ground.
Rascal sent a letter to the lot owner and will be contacting the Cato Township Zoning Administration about this issue.
B. Channel that enters into the lake proper is fouled with sludge on North end of Channel by Pine Street.
Rascal contacted Mark Christenson at the County and was told to contact the County Drain Commission about the issue.
Rascal will check into the problem with the County
We would need permission with the lot owners at the end of the Channel before work is done.
It was suggested that if we offer the County Drain Commission to pay the permit fees they may do the work needed to dredge out the north end of the Channel.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:10 pm
Motion to Adjourn by: Rick, Seconded by: Stuart
Motion passed by all.