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Meeting Minutes 10-28-2017

October Meeting 2017


Board of Governors Meeting

October 28, 2017 @ 1:04 pm

Board Members present:  Rascal Calcutt, Stuart Hazle, Dianna Koone, Ed Koutz, Rick Loveless

Board Members absent: Bill McElroy

Assoc. Members present: Alan Williams

Reading of August 26th Minutes: Motion to approve: Rick,  Second: Dianna, Voted: Yes

Reading of Treasurers Report: Motion to approve: Ed, Second: Rick,  Voted: Yes

Old Business:

Association Meeting Days and Times: It was decided to change the Association Meeting days and times to the 3rd Thursday of the Month, at 7 pm, except for the Annual Meeting of June, which will remain the 3rd Saturday at 10 am. It was also decided to not have a meeting in July and add two meetings, one in May and one in September.

Survey of Park C-1 on Hemlock St.: The survey is done and the boundary lines are obvious. There are some incroachments on both sides, lots 723 and 724. A letter and a copy of the survey will be sent to the two lot owners for their awareness. Now that the park is surveyed we need to address the complaint made by Curt and Lisa Becker and mark the parking space of the park. It was suggested that we mark all four corners.

Stuart made a motion to mark the corners, Second by Dianna,  Voted: Yes

Rascal and Dick will place a post at the four corners of the park

Committee Reports:

Parks,  Dianna: Railroad ties were removed from Park M. Park C & N drives were graveled.

Repair to steps in Park B will be tabled until May of 2018.

Ed will ask Steve Wilson if he would remove tree roots at Park A with his backhoe. Ed will first check with the DNR if any permits are needed.

Dianna brought before the board that members are setting off fireworks in the parks. This is a safety, property damage, fire, liability, and littering issue. Rascal is going to talk to the State Police and ask about fireworks being set off in the parks. This is tabled until more information can be gathered.

Scheduled dates for putting in docks at the parks and taking them out for next year and the years to come was decided. For putting docks in: 2nd week in April, For taking docks out 2nd week in October.

Roads,  Stuart: Cato is discussing on how to put road improvements on a milage.

Lights, Bill: At the Cato Township Meeting, October 2, 2017, it was reported that the HHOA light fund has a balance of $878.00. It was discussed that Tri-County was going to put in new more efficient light bulbs.

Building Permits,  Ed: None

Website, Stuart: It is up to date and running

New Business:

New Boat docks at parks A and C: It was decided to by two Roll-a-Docks one for A and one for park C. Two estimates will be gathered and will buy the lesser priced of the two. They will be bought this year before the price goes up in 2018.

Motion to Adjourn: Rick made a motion to adjourn. Second by Stuart.  Voted: Yes  Time: 2:07 pm

Minutes prepared and filed by Ed Koutz

Posted to the Website by Stuart Hazle


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